Chapter 3 - It's Almost Time •2•

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I know I don't usually put notes at the start of chapters but this time it's important – please read the note at the end of the chapter! I have something super exciting planned and I'll need you guys' help for it! Thank you!


Run, run, run!

Then touch!

And then back! As far as you can, c'mon!

And when my Quirk deactivates... running again!

To say Atsuhi had been right in assuming training her Quirk was going to involve a lot of running would've been an understatement. Because she had been spot-on.

Not long after Aizawa's initial speech, he had put an official start to the day's training, giving out instructions to each student individually, as all had to practice in a way that would improve their Quirks for such a short period of time.

And, just as Atsuhi had predicted, a Quirk which relied heavily on stamina, endurance, and running, couldn't be improved any other way to begin with. Of course, that didn't mean she enjoyed that fact.

She was stuck with a simple exercise, at least in theory. She had been pointed to a big rocky structure that she had to touch, activating the effects of her Quirk on it. Next, she had to run in the opposite direction (and Aizawa had been very adamant on saying she should be running, at least for the first couple of hours – so, no walking) and go as far as she possibly could, while still using her Quirk on the rocks.

This was supposedly meant to increase the maximum distance Atsuhi could go before she had to touch an object again, in order to use her Quirk on it once more. As of right now, that number was approximately 50 meters. In other words, to put it more simply, her training consisted of running back and forth a fifty meter distance (because she had to return to touch the rock again once she moved too far away), with her Quirk activated half that time.

And the 'best' part? This distance, if all went well, was only going to increase.

It had only been a few hours since the start. But Atsuhi could see she wasn't the only person wishing to just put an end to it already. And it was only day one...

For the first hour or so, she had been quietly giggling every time Ida would run past, shouting like a madman, or whenever she'd hear Bakugo scream when firing off an explosion with this overly-dramatic feeling surrounding him. She had once turned around to witness him with his hands submerged in a barrel and an intense expression on his face, and had been sent in a laughing fit. Which had soon been interrupted by Aizawa calling out for her to focus.

If there was one thing she was glad about, however, it was that her teacher seemed to have at least some compassion for his students. Even though he had made her run like crazy for hours on end after having her wake up much too early for her liking, he'd told her she could finally take a break.

Well, I wouldn't say 'break' is the right word for it...? I mean, I'm not running anymore but...

True enough, after running without a doubt at least a few kilometers, Atsuhi could finally sit and rest. Well, sit. At least.

Aizawa hadn't given her a break. He had given her a different exercise. For Atsuhi now sat in front of the same big rocky structure (which she had already decided was her sworn enemy that she had to defeat by the end of the week), and continued training.

Explosive Touch [Bakugo Katsuki x OC] - Book 3Where stories live. Discover now