Chapter 13 - Just You Wait

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"You know, I actually have a lot of respect for UA. Perhaps you could even go as far as to say that I think it can measure up to our own Shiketsu High." Though he spoke so confidently and remained unmoving, the three UA students he had been addressing stood still, as if frozen in fear. "Yet your class A has done nothing but erode those feelings..."

That is, until a certain ash blond snickered, mumbling as he prepared to attack. They weren't here for a mere pleasant chat, after all.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Quit yappin'. Show us what you really got, senpai!" Katsuki accentuated the last word, turning a title of respect for somebody's experience, into but a snarky remark, meant only to piss his opponent off.

The Shiketsu High student's eyes turned sharply towards Katsuki, his body following suit, as he finally moved in to attack back.

"And you, Bakugo -" He sent a few of the chunks of flesh hovering behind him in the ash blond's direction. "MOST OF ALL!!"

"Katsuki-kun!!" At first, Atsuhi called out in concern, only to realize a mere second later, after the smoke from yet another clash had quickly cleared, that Katsuki was most definitely fine, standing almost victoriously. Unfortunately, his opponent was also quite alright.

So, in terms of strength, we might or might not have the advantage. What's stopping us is his Quirk. If it touches us, we're done for.


Kinda like mine.

This is so not good.

If it were just us versus him, I would've found a way to get him, even if I couldn't get close to him.

But with all those other people on the ground... Though they don't exactly look like people... Any of my long-range attacks would hit and hurt them as well... Kirishima-kun's among them too.

Both Kaminari-kun and even Katsuki-kun are holding back. We're not only fighting a human being, but he essentially has hostages we need to keep safe. Some heroic battle this is...

As Atsuhi's thoughts ran wild in her head, Katsuki continued exchanging blows with the purple-haired student.

A soft click to the girl's right made her turn to look at Kaminari, who prepared two disks in the brand new support equipment he had added to his costume a few weeks ago. He quickly noticed her gaze on him, and silently motioned towards the fight happening in front of them.

Ah, so he plans to attack while that guy isn't looking.

I wish I could do something to help too... But as long as we take him down, it shouldn't matter either way, so long as we all actually pass.

Her attention returned to Kaminari as he adjusted the position of his arm and aimed at somewhere near where the two were fighting up ahead. Now, he had to time it.


"Seriously!? Neither of you got any costume improvements!? Why...?"

"Weeell, I don't know about Katsuki-kun but I didn't really need much... Though it's not like there are no changes. The support company improved the fabric so that it's even more heat resistant now and they did some testing with samples of my hair to make the parts around my hands and feet different, so that I can use my Quirk without having to go around barefoot or something!!"

Kaminari looked on briefly, registering all the sudden information. Then, he mumbled under his breath.

"Yeah, sure. The power couple's gotta be all smart..."

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