Chapter 4 - Not Like This •1•

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It was kinda scary how quickly the days could fly by. It felt like the End of Term Exams were only yesterday, yet more than a month had already gone by.

Needless to say, Atsuhi knew she was going to start panicking any moment now.

It was the last day before her birthday and, according to the little promise she had made to herself, also the last day before her confession. In the morning, she had been delighted to discover that even a single day of training later, she could already use her Quirk a meter or two farther than before. It wasn't much but it was worth all the running from the previous day.

Time continued ticking by and while she wasn't freaking out quite yet, she knew it was only a matter of time. Was it going to be during dinner? The test of courage they were supposed to have later that day? Or perhaps only once all was set and done and it was time to go to bed was she actually going to be consumed by all these anxieties?

Whenever it were to happen, Atsuhi knew that this crashing wave of worries and restlessness was going to leave her wishing she could just get it over with as soon as possible. She'd already made up her mind to ask the girls what they thought about organizing some fun activities for her birthday before they went to sleep that night too.

It was kinda funny – she was getting worried about when she was going to start getting worried. A little paradoxical, no?

Any time these thoughts found their way to the front of her mind again, she just shook her head and continued on, refusing to let herself be overcome by them so early. After all, when surrounded by so many people, it was easy enough to find someone to distract her long enough.

Which brings us to her current activity.

"Wow, Bakugo – you're like some pro with that knife!" Ochaco exclaimed, capturing the blonde girl's attention as she turned around to witness her classmate mercilessly chopping that poor carrot into pieces. Granted, chopping the carrot was what he was supposed to be doing.

But it looks so brutal...

Even still, she smiled.

"It was time for that side of him that's good at everything to finally show up," she called back to the brunette, giggling at the glare sent her way by Bakugo himself. In the end though, she wasn't complaining – she'd forgotten what a perfectionist he was. Seeing him be surprisingly good at something much unlike the impression he often left was without fail a funny sight to behold.

Everything is so calm and peaceful... I'm sure that, if I had the courage, I could ask him to come over with me for a second and confess right here and now.

I know I can do it but... I...

It's no use... I'm already starting to get worried. I don't think I'd be able to properly put my thoughts into words yet anyway. I'll just screw everything up and never live it down.

I kinda doubt I'll get much sleep tonight anyway so might as well take that time to figure out what I'm even gonna say, huh? See, I never thought that's something I'll need to do until now.


Well, one thing's for certain – I don't care how worried I'm going to be – I will do it tomorrow.

Oh God, it's tomorrow.

Oh no.

That's... too soon...


Some more cooking, the consumption of the world's greatest stew, and a little bit of dish-washing later, it was time for the first actually fun activity of Summer Camp (though you could argue that to be the Hot Springs, as long as you ignored Mineta's attempt to peep in on the girls...)

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