Chapter 17 - The Worst of It Is Over

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"Where the hell did you get that!?" Katsuki grumbled, motioning with his head towards Atsuhi's scraped up elbows. She tensed a little, hiding the small injuries with her hands, though she quickly felt a sting and was forced to uncover them again. Shaking her head, she replied with a smile.

"It's fine, I just fell once. No big deal," she said, grinning to match her words and make them sound a little more convincing. Katsuki eyed her suspiciously but agreed with her for once and moved closer. He put a hand on her back and ushered her to move forward so that they don't get swept up in the crowd of students rushing towards the exit and get separated right as they'd been reunited. It had already happened once at UA, there was really no need to repeat it ever again.

"You gotta get it treated, you know?"

"Pfft," Atsuhi chuckled. "Are you serious? Katsuki-kun, it's just a scratch." With a quiet 'hm', Katsuki accepted defeat and the girl took to looking at the different faces all around.

Everyone looks more beat-up than me anyway. Though I will admit... It's pretty sweet of him to worry...

As they wandered around, her eyes fell upon a certain someone with shaggy black hair, who was also arguably much worse for the wear than she was. Because of her. For a brief moment their eyes met and Atsuhi smiled at Shindo. He nodded back at her with a small grin too and then turned to look elsewhere.

"Is this... that weird guy from earlier...?" Hearing Katsuki's growl and noticing him glaring daggers at the Ketsubutsu High student, Atsuhi stared at him dumbfounded, only to suddenly put a hand up to her mouth to suppress her laughter. Katsuki glared at her next.

"Oh my gosh, Katsuki-kun!" She could almost hear how hard he was gritting his teeth beside her. "Are you even for real, ahahaha!" Though she tried to keep her giggles quiet, she could tell a few people turned to see what the commotion was about. "Did you actually get jea-"

She never got to finish her sentence though, as a hand sloppily covered her mouth, only making her laugh even harder. After some muffled cries (with which she tried to promise to stop laughing already, all the while giggling furiously), he finally let go of her and she had to upkeep her promise.

He was jealous... Bakugo Katsuki was actually jealous, I cannot believe this...

She tore her eyes away, knowing very well that if she were to look at him, she would surely burst out laughing once more. Instead, they happened to land upon Shindo again, only to widen in surprise.


A blonde girl with a cheerful grin and hair tied into two spiky pigtails approached him. She flung herself onto his back, embracing him tight and giggling as she spoke, though Atsuhi was much too far to hear what she was saying. She was just about to look away too, but managed to briefly notice that the two exchanged a....


That was more than enough to bring back memories of that late-night meeting she and Katsuki had shared just a few days prior. Needless to say, she flushed a bright red.

In her haste to sharply turn around and not be caught peeking at the two, her wide green eyes briefly met those of Katsuki, who, instead of observing the couple mere meters away from them, looked focused on Atsuhi instead, his cheeks still tainted a bright and noticeable shade. The girl looked down at her feet as she nervously played with her hair. She didn't want to be caught looking at anybody else at all.

I feel like the moment the exam came to an end, I just became a flustered mess... Sure must be easy for anyone who doesn't have these other things to worry about...

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