Chapter 18 - Please Stop

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Splendid. Perfect. Awesome. Fantastic.

And if I were Katsuki-kun, all four of those would have been swear words.

Atsuhi was feeling absolutely great. As fresh and happy as any person woken up at one in the morning by a sharp pain from scars they wish they could just forget about already. Yup, the perfect feeling to interrupt your dreams. Dreams that, for once in her life, had actually been pretty pleasant. Even if she couldn't remember them exactly.

But no. I can never get some peaceful sleep. Nightmares, anxiety, pain. Nightmares, anxiety, pain. Glad to know that, and everything always going wrong sooner or later are the only consistencies in my life. Couldn't be happier to know that.

She wasn't typically a grumpy person. If anything, she was the one ray of positivity to lift the spirits of her little group of gremlins. You know, smiling, laughing, joking.

Only when I'm not in pain and suffering at 1 am... Ugh... All I wanted was to sleep...!

At the moment, she felt like a walking zombie. She had been too tired and incapable of forming coherent thoughts upon leaving her room, so she had slipped out in the cool fall night wearing only a thin pair of leggings and a light hoodie on top of the t-shirt she slept in. Meaning, she was not only tired and in pain, but also freezing.

"If this is how my day starts... Then I'd rather it hadn't even started in the first place..." she mumbled under her nose, but soon caught herself becoming grumpier and grumpier by the second, and shook her head. She had to get her act together, go get some painkillers from Recovery Girl's office, and go back to her room.


But the journey alone was not a pleasant one.

She thought back to the previous week, to her walk with Katsuki. To the small talk on the way back. To the warm and pleasant feeling of the butterflies fluttering around in her stomach. To the warm and safe dreams she had had after returning to her room.

But now, she was alone. Silent. Cold.

Just his presence... makes such a difference, huh...

She briefly thought about his earlier promise to give her an answer tonight. A promise he hadn't kept. It was unusual. She never pegged him as one to make empty promises. Yet here he was, as if having forgotten all about it.

She couldn't blame him though. She was sure he had enough to deal with already. Between failing to get his provisional license and signing up for the remedial course, it sure must've been very hectic for him. Not to mention, the two times he had discreetly mumbled something to Midoriya. Yet another thing he had promised to tell her about.

Atsuhi sighed.

I think being all alone and cold like this is making me imagine things. This is too outlandish. I have no reason to doubt Katsuki-kun. So, I shouldn't. Come on, Atsuhi, get a grip.

He saved your life-

She momentarily stopped, counting on her fingers.

"Sludge Villain Incident, USJ, Training Camp, Kamino," she whispered to herself, then suddenly exclaimed. "Four!! He saved your life four times, Atsuhi!! Sheesh, be at least a little grateful..."

Following a few more seconds of silence and groaning on her part, she suddenly giggled.

Woah, look at me, talking to myself. Sure am glad no one else is allowed outside at this time of night, lest they take me for some crazy girl hearing voices in her head...

Explosive Touch [Bakugo Katsuki x OC] - Book 3Where stories live. Discover now