Halloween Special - It Wasn't That Bad

912 39 18

Oct 30 at 19:43





You know I can see that you've read the messages, right?



Aww, don't be like that

Say, Katsuki-kun

I wanna ask you something

This is precisely why I didn't wanna respond in the first place

Ahaha, you're so funny.


So, Mina and I were talking earlier

And since tomorrow is, you know, Halloween

We thought we should get together and do something fun! To celebrate!

I don't like the sound of that

Oh come ooooon

Pls, pls, pls, pls


Who's going?

Hehe, got you

It's me, Mina, Kaminari-kun, Kirishima-kun, and Sero-kun.

Aaaand potentially you too?


You're being awfully quiet

Not convinced yet?

Not really

Well, Kirishima-kun's advice shall come in handy then!


He said that if you were being stubborn and refusing

I should tell you that we're gonna be watching a horror movie together

There weren't many seats available but we managed to reserve a few that are right in the middle of the room!!!

Not sure why he wanted me to say it.

But I did.

You should be convinced by now, apparently

Is it working?

Let me get this straight

It's you, bug eyes, and the three guys

Yup. They've got names though

There will be a seat on either side of you

That's how seats at a movie theater usually work, yes

And there will be people sitting in them

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