Chapter 10 - Late-Night Moment

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Not a sound. It felt as if there was no soul out there. As if she was completely alone.

A deaf silence.

Or... maybe not quite.

You know that feeling when this annoying noise in your ears, the one that usually fades to the back of your mind and remains unnoticeable, gradually becomes louder and louder, until it's the only thing you can hear, and it begins to drive you mad?

Yup, that's the one. So no, it wasn't a deaf silence. It was a deafening silence.

Upon the realization that there seemed to be no other distinguishable shapes as far as the eye could see, her fear only creeped up even further. That endless black void was, to put it mildly, terrifying.

Where was everyone? Where was everything? Where was she?

Try as she might, she couldn't even scream. As if her voice was gone, not even a sound escaped her trembling lips.

By this point, she was desperate. There were tears streaming down her cheeks, or at least that's what she felt.

But after despair, came acceptance. A reluctant, and painful acceptance. Because if you were helpless to do anything, was there any point in struggling? What choice did you have but to accept it?


Was that really the only escape from this nightmarish prison? Was this really the only right choice? Was this the path of a hero...?

And then – a voice.

A single sound was enough to shatter the deafening silence to little pieces. She wasn't lonely anymore, she wasn't trapped in this nightmare anymore. She wasn't scared. A single voice had been enough to fill her with a sense of relief.


No. This voice – it brought about many feelings. Relief wasn't one of them.

Ever since that day, it was etched into her mind. She was sure she could recognize it anywhere. And she was sure it was forever going to haunt her in her memories and dreams.

Just a single word was enough to bring the image of his face into her mind. Or rather, the big hand covering his face, and the wavy light blue hair falling loosely around it.

A sight one couldn't not remember.

She tried to chase the thoughts away, she tried so hard. Yet, the memories still flooded her mind.

Or... was it really memories...? Things felt different. She felt like she really was back there, not merely recalling it.

Fear. Terror. Screams. Tears.

Courage...? Perhaps a little bit...

But also another voice. It screamed something. A name? This time, it brought nothing but comfort.

And then came warmth. Safety. More tears, this time caused by pure relief.

The first voice called again. A threat.

The warmth disappeared.

The second voice, screaming.

A sound of liquid splashing and dripping to the floor. The warmth never returned.

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