Chapter 15 - Get On With It

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Stuffing a hundred tired and sweaty kids, who had just completed a labor-intensive exam and were all still catching their breaths, into a single relatively small room was not a good idea.

In next to no time, the air became stuffy, hot. It was getting harder to breathe, not to mention that no amount of high-tech could mask the unpleasant smell setting in. Good thing they were only going to be in here for a mere ten minutes.

Though Atsuhi did wonder, perhaps it was her own thoughts that made everything seem so bad. She wasn't all that tired, not really. But her heart was thumping, she could even feel its pounding in her head, and it was quickly driving her mad.

She glanced around the room, noting what everybody else was doing. And she was not surprised to find that it wasn't much more than sitting around, and goofing off.

If they can actually have fun at a time like this, all the more power to them.

She leaned back against the wall she sat beside, and sighed, only for her eyes to immediately dart to the space on her left upon the sound of quiet shuffling. Glancing to her side, from her position of sitting cross-legged on the ground, her eyes landed on Katsuki's black booths, then trailed up his body, stopping at his eyes, which were already looking at her.

The two remained silent for a few seconds, but Atsuhi cracked first.

"W-what is it...?" Her face heated up, as she was suddenly a tad more self-conscious. Even still, she didn't look away completely, choosing to focus on his spiky hair instead. Meanwhile, Katsuki's eyes also widened briefly, as if he hadn't realized he had been staring.

"Nothing..." His eyes darted behind her, but were lost upon the crowd, as if he wasn't really looking at anything in particular.

Atsuhi mouthed a silent 'oh' and was just about to go back to doing absolutely nothing (or overthink this short-lived exchange – who knows where the tides would've taken her), but a few approaching figures, all wearing the same very recognizable Shiketsu High hat, caught her attention first.

Even more so, at the forefront of the little group was what she could only describe as a student who was completely covered in hair. Head to toe. Like an animal.

Must have something to do with his Quirk... Should I still be taking note of other people's Quirk at all anymore, or is that part of the exam already over?

Just a little earlier, the big TV in the room had shown live footage of the area where the first part of the exam had been held, only for multiple detonations and explosions to suddenly occur throughout it and destroy every last building. Soon enough, the message had sounded that for the final part of the exam, the students would have to carry out rescue operations of a group dubbed the 'Help Us Company', consisting of old people and children alike, all professional rescuees for... situations like this one?

It feels a little too specific to be an actual job... then again, anything goes nowadays, I guess?

Back to the guy covered in hair though, he had already walked over to the both of them and Atsuhi took that as her cue to stand up and dust off her costume, trying to show some respect for her seniors. She had to compensate for Katsuki, after all.

"Excuse me, you two are Bakugo and Saeki, correct?"

He is... so polite...!! Nothing like the guy we fought earlier...

That's the second person who's approached me and Katsuki-kun together like this today... Is it just me, or does the whole world seem to be very aware of what happened at Kamino?

Explosive Touch [Bakugo Katsuki x OC] - Book 3Where stories live. Discover now