Chapter 9 - No Matter How Long It Takes

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 "Um... Pardon the intrusion, doctor," a small voice said, as the slender frame of a young but unfamiliar nurse peeked through the door of the hospital room. "But it looks like Saeki has some visitors." At the surprised looks she received from the two people in the room, she quickly spoke up again. "I can tell them to wait a little if you haven't finished yet, don't worry!!"

"No, it's alright," responded the middle-aged woman from inside the room. She'd already recognized that this nurse must've still been a little new to the job, as told by her lack of decisiveness and anxious voice. "Rehabilitation's done for the day – we just ended up running a little overtime." The woman turned to Atsuhi, who sat at the edge of her bed and watched the exchange with curious and perhaps a little excited eyes, and smiled at the girl. "I'll see you again tomorrow, yeah?"

Atsuhi finally shook off her confusion, and nodded back with a smile.

"See you tomorrow, doctor!" The girl waved at the woman, until the latter disappeared into the hallway, followed by the young nurse, who likely went to call in the visitors.

Atsuhi thought herself lucky to have such a kind and understanding doctor taking care of her and her rehabilitation. After a surgery when she was first brought in mere hours after the incident at Kamino, and the daily visits and healing sessions with Recovery Girl, she was finally recovering for real.

Of course, that was only the beginning. The amount of care she'd have to take not to damage the wounds any further, the pain that would serve to remind her of that night, even the limits this put on her Quirk. It was all effects she'd have no choice but to confront.

For a few days now, she'd received a visit from her doctor every day for an hour or two, deemed to essentially act as rehabilitation.

It was... a little embarrassing.

She'd had to do so many basic tasks, as if she were a small child learning things for the first time. But it was inevitable.

It had taken her half an hour to even figure out how to clench her fist without whimpering out loud. Not to mention gripping utensils she'd need to eat, or writing with a pen.

Sure, with every day the pain became less and less noticeable but... it was still there.

She was broken out of her thoughts when the muffled sound of talking from somewhere beyond the closed door to her room reached her ears. She could definitely discern the voice of the young nurse, though the words were impossible to understand, along with at least one or two more voices, perhaps (but not definitely) male.

However, she didn't have to wait all that long to figure it out.

Soon enough, the door that had blocked those voices was slowly slid open, and in poked his head a young boy with bright red hair, sticking upwards as if it had taken 20 minutes just to style it that way, and two small red eyes scanned the inside of the room.


Atsuhi was excited to hear she had visitors! Sure, there was her dad, who swung by every day, and all the nurses and doctors taking care of her happened to be especially kind! But... she wanted to see the rest of her friends so badly.

Now, seeing Kirishima, Atsuhi wasn't exactly sure what to expect. But that was certainly not the sight of said boy giving her a toothy grin, and then turning to nod at somebody behind him, before a whopping 17 more people walked into the room. Good thing it was a big hospital with spacious rooms.


Suddenly, the sound of shuffling and overlapping footsteps that had filled the air until everyone had walked in, stopped, and the room was engulfed in silence once again, as nobody seemed to know what to say or how to begin.

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