Happy Birthday, Atsuhi + 300 Hearts - Q&A Special

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Hey, hey – as promised, I'm back with the long-awaited special chapter celebrating two amazing things! For one, today marks two years since Atsuhi was created (I promise to get into some more sappy talk at the end of the special), but it's also a way for me to celebrate all the love and support this story has received! As I've said many times before – you guys are literally the best and I appreciate everything you do!

A super quick thing before we start! The drawing at the beginning! That's pretty much it lol It's a cute drawing because I wanted something super fluffy to celebrate!

Also, if I somehow left something out (even though I triple-checked) – it was NOT on purpose, I swear!

Now here's the good stuff! (And prepare for my longest single chapter yet! Oof)

Section One – Ask Katsuhi!

Atsuhi's speech is presented in regular text, Bakugo's speech is presented in italics.

(This takes place a few months/a year or so after the current chapters of the series! As such, the two are already a couple and Atsuhi refers to Bakugo as Katsuki-kun! Lastly, please do keep in mind that the two's opinions do not necessarily reflect my own!)

Rebecca Rivera on Quotev asks:

Atsuhi, what was the first thing you loved about Bakugo besides looks?

Huh... Go ahead.

Hm, let's see... He was obviously really strong, so there's that! But that's not necessarily something that makes me fall in love at first sight. So... I think it's his more compassionate side. Like, how he might not look like it, but in his mind he always thinks about saving others! And always has the best interest of those close to him in mind, despite how tough he acts! I think that's what made me fall in love to begin with!


Eh? Katsuki-kun!? Are you okay!? Your face is-



Oh my God, are you-

Shut up!!

(He's blushing!!)

Kirasms on Wattpad asks:

Bakugo, describe your feeling towards Atsuhi in 5 words.



Katsuki-kun! Pleeaaase!

Annoyance, but five times.


Is that so.

Wait, shit, what're you doing?

I guess that's what you really-

Okay, okay, chill.

And don't ever mention this to me ever again.


Here goes nothing.

Respect. Comfort.


Go on...?

Adoration...? Protectiveness. And...


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