Special - Let's Start Over [Soulmate AU Oneshot]

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A soulmate is someone the world decided you can be together with forever! The first words they say to you are written on your arm, so you will know who your soulmate is when the two of you meet! And you will love each other immediately!

My mum and dad met a little after they finished school. They used to be students at UA! One day, when Dad was doing some hero stuff, a villain attacked but Mom defeated the villain faster! Dad's arm says "What, is this all the famous Lava Floor can do?", and Mom's says "You didn't even give me a chance to react!" They love each other a lot now! They also love me a lot!

I think soulmates are really cool! You don't have to worry you will be alone. The world will find you someone to love! I am really excited to meet my soulmate too! I hope it happens soon because I love them already! I cannot wait!

Saeki Atsuhi, Class 2B

As she read the clumsily written essay she had stumbled upon while organizing one of the messier drawers in her desk, Atsuhi smiled at the fond memory. The writing was quite ugly and she had only used the simplest of kanji a few times, having mostly relied on hiragana. But she remembered how proud of it she was – it had been an Elementary School assignment (one she later learned everybody had been given at some point in their life), and the sheer joy she had felt when the teacher had handed it back to her with a proud smile and no corrections made was not one to be easily forgotten.

It's funny how foolish I must have been back then...

The fond memory was replaced by one not quite as pleasant, as Atsuhi's smile fell to a disappointed frown. That same day, after returning home and proudly shoving her 'masterpiece of an essay' in her parents' faces, she hadn't exactly received the praise she had been hoping for. Instead, the two had given her an odd look, seemingly concerned as they glanced at each other, silently making a decision.

The next two hours that evening had been spent in pitiful explanations, as Atsuhi's parents had helped explain to her the meaning of all the complicated kanji on her arm. And with this, came the revelation that her soulmate's first words to her were... not what she had hoped for.

"Hey! Blonde chick! You better not slow me down!"

That day, she vaguely remembered feeling upset. Feeling hurt over something that hadn't even happened yet. Thinking about it now, she regretted making her parents worry like this.

She had more or less accepted it by now. That acceptance came at a price though – ever since then, she has avoided showing the words on her arm to others. Long-winded conversations about soulmates weren't exactly her personal favorite anymore either.

Sure, she occasionally wondered if perhaps the universe had screwed up somewhere along the way. Had she been set up with the wrong person? After all, weren't soulmates supposed to be a perfect match for each other? That's what she had written in that essay anyway...

Shaking away the nagging thoughts and the unnecessary tangent with them, she neatly folded the memento she'd been reading, and left it at the bottom of the drawer. She didn't have the heart to throw it away but perhaps it was for the best she didn't stumble upon it again anytime soon.

She had long decided to remain optimistic and save all the judging for when she finally met this mysterious person.

In the years to come, a few of her friends and acquaintances had met their match, all making the first meeting out to sound like a scene ripped straight from a cliché romance movie. Those were only a minority however, as everybody else was still awaiting that fateful day.

Atsuhi meanwhile had decided to devote herself to something else – all her life, perhaps more than even meeting her soulmate, she had dreamed of becoming a fearless hero that saved others with a smile. She longed to follow in the footsteps of her parents and be accepted into UA.

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