Chapter 2 - Not so Exciting Anymore •2•

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Ah yes, summer. Some like it. Some don't.

One thing, however, is undeniable. Summer brings about a ton of exciting activities. In particular, the much-anticipated summer camps. The time when classmates gather at the same place during a period devoid of the boring activities typical for a regular school day and have fun together.

During summer camp, just about anything goes. Truth or dare? A necessary night-time game. Tests of courage? Bring on all the screams. Late-night crush talk? Slightly less desirable by some but still a viable option nonetheless.

To put it simply – summer camp was a time when everyone could just do all sorts of fun activities together, without a care in the world.

Atsuhi had an even more particular affinity towards summer camps. After all, her birthday often just so happened to fall right in the middle of said camps. Perhaps a downside for some (if the short conversation she'd had with Bakugo on his birthday was anything to go by).

But Atsuhi absolutely loved it. What was better than celebrating her birthday during summer camp? Simple – celebrating it with the whole bunch of awesome and fun people that were her classmates. Better yet – she loved proposing the idea of making a giant birthday cake together (under her strict guidance, of course, as were she to leave everyone else to do so by themselves, she wasn't sure they were even going to produce something edible in the end).

She had so many fond memories of similar celebrations.

And now, as her sixteenth birthday was nearing close, she was even more excited than usual. Let's just say that, while she had been over the moon to finally be accepted in UA, she had never expected she'd meet the whole class of incredible people she was now proud to call her friends.

As such, she had no doubt this year was going to be even more special than the ones before it.

Except, there is a little something that UA loved to do.

After all, nothing was ever quite the same there.

Sure, it wasn't even called 'summer camp' anymore, rather having a not-so-neat 'training' slapped in between. It was only now Atsuhi realized this 'training' part was no joke.

Because who in their right mind stopped their students hours away from their actual destination and forced them to make their way through a dense forest full of roaming creatures out to attack them!? Before they've even had lunch, mind you!

I'm still beat. And we already ate too...

Not to mention that this is still the first day. It feels like the Internships all over again. Let's just hope day three doesn't go as wrong as those did...

I know it's gonna be super brutal. But that's quite fine with me – if at the end of it my Quirk and body are stronger than ever before, it'll all be worth it! But chances are, I'll keep telling myself this until the end of Training Camp.

Hehe, well, if we're lucky about one thing, it's those awesome hot springs!!

Seriously, for a place where we're going to be training to death, it sure is surprising there is something as relaxing as hot springs.

That's right. It had been mere hours since the impromptu beginning of Summer Training Camp. Even so, it had been quite the eventful day already. And Atsuhi was ready for a nice and long (or, if we took into consideration the ungodly hour Aizawa had told them they had to be awake by, perhaps not so long) rest. And what better place to relax than some hot springs, after all?

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