Chapter 20 - If You Insist

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Nothing. That's what she was supposed to know.

Everything. That's what she had been told.

It had been a night unlike any other, that she knew for certain. Though she had to admit – Aizawa's scolding might have been the least bad part of it all.

"Starting a fight? Right after your exam too!?" He gritted his teeth, pulling on the bindings that were wrapped around the two boys. "Happy to hear you got energy for that," he growled, eyebrows furrowed and eyes looking just about ready to murder. And who could blame him? They might have woken him up from his slumber with this small commotion.

With All Might standing nearby as well (trying to convince the 1A homeroom teacher that this was, in fact, his fault, perhaps hoping to lighten the students' punishment), the two men towered above the kids, all three of which sat on little stools beside each other. They almost looked like somebody had sorted them in order, based on who seemed to bear the most injuries.

You had Atsuhi on the very right, looking rather well, if not for her reddened nose and puffy cheeks from the earlier crying, and the single bruise she tried to hide underneath the sleeve of her sweatshirt. She looked tired, her eyes devoid of energy, and her mouth twisted in a frown. Instead of looking at her teacher, she took the scolding with her eyes pointed somewhere to the side, as if she were merely a bystander.

To her left was Midoriya, who definitely looked remorseful about the night's events, yet had this look to his eyes that seemed to say he was looking forward to what changes they were going to bring about, as opposed to feeling pure regret. He was covered in cuts and bruises, even bleeding from a couple of places.

However, neither him, nor Katsuki, who sat at the very right, seemed to be in all that much pain. The ash blond had remained surprisingly quiet, only grumbling a few times here and there. He had probably expected this to happen, after all. Moreover, he looked worse for the wear than even Midoriya, sporting not only the same more minor injuries as the greenhead, but also one swollen cheek (that must have been quite the punch), and one with a very clear red mark. Not to mention that the two responsible for those injuries were currently being scolded alongside him.

But there was one more peculiarity to note about their current positioning. After all, Midoriya was in the middle of the other two both literally, and also figuratively. Unfortunately, it wasn't that they didn't want him sitting in between them. Quite the opposite, in fact.

He was sure that if he were to move, Atsuhi and Katsuki would have started yet another fight that night. And let's just say one had been more than enough.

Aizawa looked to be thinking things through. With a long sigh, he suddenly announced.

"Even still, I can't let you off the hook without any punishment," he mumbled, putting a hand to his forehead, as his eyes swept across his three students. He was clearly having trouble deciding what was best. He raised his head again. "Who started it?"

"Me," Katsuki replied without hesitating. Aizawa looked satisfied.

"I hit him back," Midoriya chimed in immediately afterwards. Atsuhi pouted. She knew she couldn't keep quiet forever though.

"I hit Bakugo-kun too." She looked at her feet. Her eyes briefly widened when it dawned on her what she had just called the ash blond, but she shut them tight to banish the thoughts from her mind and looked away again. She hoped the sharp inhale she'd heard had been just her imagination and not either of boys making the same realization as her.

Fortunately, Aizawa paid her no mind. Or at least, he pretended not to. He sighed through his teeth, frown deepening. Suddenly, he pointed a finger at the three.

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