Chapter 14 - Another Time

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The concept of a 'plan' existed for a reason. There are times when you find yourself in a tough place, more often than not with nowhere near enough time to come up with anything even akin to a sound strategy. It is precisely in such instances that you are in a desperate need for a so-called 'plan'.

What if your life depended on a single choice? If your entire existence hinged on this very escape route? If you were to lose something precious unless you find a way to save it?

What if failing simply wasn't an option?

So, you would think you need to come up with a plan that was completely foul-proof, one that would let you get away unscathed, with minimal losses. In other words, a plan that would actually succeed. A plan you knew was going to succeed.

Here's the thing though.

Planning ahead was never been something Atsuhi has been particularly good at. Never.

For her, life was more about taking it one step at a time. It's not that she had never tried looking at it any other way. It's just a matter of fact that those attempts had never actually succeeded.

This is how we get to the present situation.

The Provisional License Exam – one she couldn't really afford to fail. A team formerly consisting of four – now reduced to a mere two. And a single powerful opponent – one neither could even get close to, unless they risked their safety. They weren't all that keen to meet the same fate as their former foes and both of their friends, after all.

And of course, all they had to go by was a single hand grenade, which Katsuki had tossed to Kaminari before he too had been immobilized (that was the word Atsuhi decided to use for everyone affected by the strange Quirk they were facing off against, otherwise she was going to drive herself crazy trying to find the proper words to describe such a monstrosity), and naturally, one of Atsuhi's practically notorious by this point on-the-spot plans.

And as just about anybody was aware already, those plans usually consisted of no more than two or three quite simple steps, their success always hinging on nothing but pure luck.

In other words, it's no good. But as of right now, this is all we have.

"All Might's retirement marks a turning point for society as we know it, you see. This world isn't meant to have a constant influx of new and good-for-nothing heroes." By this point, Atsuhi and Kaminari were left to simply watch the purple-haired boy, as he went on and on in these supposedly wise tangents of his. Chatty opponents were frustrating to deal with. "And it seems like they have finally begun to search for those who truly do posses the qualities of a real hero – an effort that I will show my support to by removing people like you from the equation."

And, true to how she usually did things, Atsuhi was going to stay silent. Let him finish with all his ridiculousness, only to show him that he was wrong by way of actions, as opposed to words. But this time, he had hit a nerve. A very big one at that.

She furrowed her brows and grit her teeth, before glaring hard at him and speaking in a voice so low, she might've even surprised herself, had she not been too preoccupied already.

"True heroes this, true heroes that. Why in the world is everyone so obsessed with this stupid title!?" Kaminari flinched a little beside her, but took that as his cue to act and reached to grab the hand grenade he'd tucked away earlier. Their opponent, on the other hand, simply glared back. "You say all this, but wanna know what I think? It's all bullshit." Atsuhi finally raised her voice, subconsciously articulating with her hands as well. "Being a hero isn't about wanting no reward, about being the best, about sacrificing yourself! It's about being there to help others when they are in need!! It's just that simple!"

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