Chapter 7 - ... •0̴0̧͘̕:0̕͠0̞̪̳̀͠-̡̡Da͏͘͠y En̷͝d̶ •

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Katsuki's struggles had long ceased by now.

Instead, all he could do was stare with wide crimson eyes at the aftermath of the scene which had unfolded a mere few steps away from him. All the while, the scream that had cut off long ago still rung in his ears, the scene itself replaying with it, as if right before his eyes.

Shigaraki dropped the girl's small and trembling hand, and slowly got up from his crouching position beside her.

Meanwhile, Atsuhi curled upon herself the moment her hands had been set free of the villain's grip, her body on the floor looking even smaller. Her hair fell loosely over her face, hiding her expression and even the small cut on her cheek from the fight that had taken place before she and Katsuki had been abducted. But it couldn't quite muffle the small whimpers, interrupted by sharp yet quiet sobs and cries of pain, that still escaped the lips she was biting on hard in order to mask any such sounds, as she clutched her hands close to her chest, her whole body trembling violently.

No matter how he wished she wasn't in such great pain right now, Katsuki could only assume she was also keeping her eyes shut tight, the tears streaming down her obscured cheeks.

A cold kind of rage swirled in his chest, the kind that only made him glare the hardest glare he could muster at the villain, while plotting his graphic murder in his head. Shigaraki stepped away from the girl beside his feet, ignoring her whimpers, and being careful not to step in the small pool of blood that had begun forming beside her, starting from where she was tightly clutching her hands, and slowly increasing in size with time.

"Now, let's try again, shall we?" Shigaraki spoke, and though his face was still obscured, Katsuki could sense the smirk in his tone from a mile away. He grit his teeth, an action which made an audible sound. But a sound that, much like Atsuhi's cries, went ignored and, if anything, served to fuel the villains' satisfaction even further.

It was all a not-at-all subtle sign that he had to listen. Listen and comply.

Shigaraki trusted Katsuki would know what would happen otherwise.

The villain took his silence as his cue to speak again.

"Heroes have it tough. It's unfair – how those who lose are never encouraged, and how those who are innocent suffer what they never deserved," Shigaraki explained, motioning with a small nod of his head towards the girl lying on the ground, while Toga stood beside her and observed her with that morbidly curious face of hers, eyes darting to the blood on the floor as if she'd go and have a taste of it if she could. "They can never win, can they?"

All the while, Katsuki's mind proved empty, with no thoughts of any overly-complicated plans, only a single goal ahead.

"And I know you love to win." Shigaraki made a dramatic pause, giving Katsuki just enough time to feign a reluctant compliance to help move the villain's plans along as quickly as he could. There was, after all, little time to lose. "Dabi," Shigaraki suddenly called. "Untie him."

Though a small argument ensued that Katsuki would immediately go wild once set free, the villains assumed he knew better than to try something funny like that, and Twice was appointed to remove Katsuki's restraints.

Twice moved in closer and carefully removed all the complicated equipment keeping the boy in place, then went to untie his feet too, as Katsuki rubbed at his sore wrists with a solemn expression on his face, and cast a quick but expecting glance at the wounded girl.

Perhaps he should've been surprised, but the moment he met Atsuhi's half-lidded and somewhat dazed green eyes, and saw the small nod she managed through the pain her face was contorted in, he realized how lucky he was.

Explosive Touch [Bakugo Katsuki x OC] - Book 3Where stories live. Discover now