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Lila Hamilton
- 3 weeks later
Song recommendation; ruel, dazed and confused

So that's twelve more days I've seen Shawn. Nine days he came for a lesson then the other three he showed up whilst I was in the middle of a lesson, routine or just something. He said he just wanted to talk.

So that's what we did. We talked all things; jobs, dance, family life, music and more. And I appreciated it, I really did but as we grew closer, as he held me close, his hands on my body, lips so close to mine, he pants out of breath from the dance, his grin when he gets it right, his goodbyes and hellos. It made it impossible for me not to grow fond of him.

The more time I spent with him the more I wanted him. But I'm not a mind reader, was he just naturally a flirt or was this just with me.

I had no clue how to feel until my talk with Eli.

"He sounds amazing lil, when are you going to go on a date?" He asks focusing his eyes on the road. He was dropping me off home after a short gathering at his house. Carmen was staying at Eli's so it was just me and him in the car.

"Never" I laugh awkwardly. "Why not? The way Carmen tells me you talk about him; sounds like you like him a lot" he says. I was about to say something but he continues.

"Answer this, do you like him? Forget what he thinks and what I think and everyone else. Do you?" He asks.

I take a second to myself. But then I find myself picturing his head tilt when he laughs, hands clapping as he chuckles adorably. I smile to myself and nod.

"I do... but is it because I see him so much, I have to be close to him in order to teach him what he came to learn, is it just that he's grown on me? I guess I'm just confused" I chuckle.

"Fuck" he laughs. "I don't know about that one  but I'm sure you'll know how you feel. You're teaching him tomorrow right?"

"I am"

"Give it time, don't just do what others think or say"

"Hey Lila" his sweet voice calling my name. I look up smiling up at him. He puts his hand out to me and I place my hand in his and he pulls me up, his other hand setting on my waist and he tugs me closer. Then unexpectedly his strong arms go around my waist, his chin rests on my shoulder. I hear him breath in deeply and I'm then smiling like a complete idiot.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Hmm I'm happy"

"Why's that?"

He pulls back, his hand going from my elbow to travel smoothly to the palm of my hand. He steps back and spins me around and then I'm placed back in his arms. A small chuckle escaping his lips as my back hits his chest.

"Just am" he replies. His hands snake around my waist, like he's hugging me from behind now.


I tilt my head back and let my hands go over his till my hands are laced with his.

"Follow my lead today, please" he adds on the end making my knees weak at how effortlessly polite and charming he is.

"Why should I?"

"I feel like I've learnt from the best over these weeks, trust me" he tilts his head to look down at me. My eyes wander from his stubbly chin, lush lips, cute nose and to his soft honey orbs. His lashes flutter making me gulp for some reason.

"You better not ruin our dance" I say, my voice lower, afraid that even if I talked a normal volume it would be loud due to how close I was to him. His lips slightly gape open and I feel his breath on my lips. 

"Our dance?" He smirks

"Yeah, we created it so it's our dance" I say with a smile. "Well then start the music, let me lead our dance" he lets go of me elegantly. I've never met a man as smooth as him. 

"Elvis?" I ask. "You got it baby"

Baby. Ugh why was he doing this to me.

As soon as I press play his large paw like hands grab my waist and spins me into him. My hands automatically go to the regular position; one on his shoulder and one in his. His one hand on my waist, this time I felt so much closer to him. My chest practically up against his. The heat of his body radiating on to me.

It was silent as he guides my body into the basic box he had been learning. His eyes stay on mine as we move in sync, it felt intimate but not in a sexual way if that even made sense. My heart raced a little more at his next actions, he slipped his hands down to my waist and he squeezed gently like he was going to hurt me. My breathing hitched and I'm sure he heard it. I ignore the fact he had a smug smile on his face and I move my hands from his hard chest up to his shoulders, feeling his defined muscles beneath his thin shirt.

"How am I doing?" He barely whispers looking away from me and down at his feet that carried him in the same way my body moved.

"Perfect" my eyes flutter quickly as i move my eyes from his to look down at his lips. Oh how I desired them.

"Can I try something?" Shawn asks. "Yeah sure" I nod unsure of what he would. He lets go of my waist and spins me around effortlessly pulling me back in to him, my hands go flat on his chest.

He dips me down then looks down at my eyes as he holds me close to his face. I gather up the courage and my hand goes to his face caressing it softly. Shawn pulls me back up then bends down picking me up slightly so he has to look up at me. Everything was going on slow motion and i selfishly wanted it to last forever.

I let out giggle in excitement holding on to his shoulders. I wish I let him do this before. Next, he spins us twice then slowly lets me down flat on my feet holding at my waist as he moves back in the square formation from the beginning.

My eyes flickered at his and I realised he was calculating his next move and I'm so glad he did what he did. He moves his leg between mine moving her body in a different way. It felt natural and good for the both of us, I hoped .

I let him take control, not taking my eyes off him as he guides me around the room.

My hands go down to his and I pull them off my hips breathing deeply now looking down, annoyed at myself and my stupid feelings.

"That was great" I mumble walking away to turn the music off. "Can we go through it again?" He asks following behind me bringing a hand up to my shoulder.

"No I think we're done" I turn back to him. His visibly pink cheeks making me heat up myself. His large hand pushes his curls back and he looks at me confused, his head tilting to the side adorably.

"Done?" He asks.

I nod looking down at my hands nervously. He had just been pressed up against me, moving my body like a natural, his hands literally all over me and I could not read his emotions at all.

"Yeah, like you can go home and I'll see you next Tuesday" I speak up. "But we have a lesson tomorrow" he says lowly.

"I have to cancel-"


"Private reasons. You can go Shawn, you did really good" I offer him a warm smile. He reciprocates then turns away grabbing his bag. He swings it over his shoulder then looks back at me giving me a small wave before he exits.

I huff sliding down the wall. He was leaving me dazed and confused.

Our Dance: Shawn Mendes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now