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Lila Hamilton
- three hours later

"Push a little harder"

"If you tell me one more time to push, I will push your ass on the floor!" I shout at the poor nurse. I made a mental note to apologise later.

"Fuck, Lila, honey look at me" Shawn coos. "Don't honey me" I cry out, my left hand tightening around the metal railing of the bed and my right hand about to rip of Shawn's hand.

"You're doing so good, we can see the head" I'm told. I take short breaths letting out another grunt. I could not describe this feeling, I just wanted it gone. "I can't, Shawn please I can't" I sob clenching my eyes shut as my body dares to give up on me.

"Yes you can" He shakily answers. "Come on Lila, you can" He kisses the top of my head. "A few minutes of pain for a life time of happiness" Shawn's sweet words are like heaven to me right now.

I find myself screaming as I push and push and push and squeeze Shawn's hand. "Come on, two more mama" I'm encouraged.

Here we go, just push the baby out Lila. "Fuck!" I grunt, I suddenly fall back and my eyes are fluttering with relief. Shawn is called and let's go of me.

"A beautiful boy, your son Mrs Mendes" the nurse puts my baby boy on my chest. They slipped up calling me Mrs Mendes but I didn't care and neither did Shawn by the looks of his charming smirk, we've got our precious little boy.

"Hi baby" I whisper. "We'll get him clean"

I nod and Shawn rushes to my side wiping my cheeks with his thumbs and I wearily grab his face and pull him into my lips, desperate for him. "A boy huh" I laugh out of breath.

"I'm so proud of you" Shawn whispers.

I felt my heart rate quicken. "I love you " I let out breathlessly with a huge grin. He kisses my cheek again then sits beside me holding my hand.

"I'm so sorry for the mean things I said" I whisper completely out of breath. "It's okay" Shawn chuckles kissing my knuckles. "I love you"

"I love you too" I grin. He slowly pulls back and keeps hold of my hand. "How're you feeling?" He asks me softly, his gentle fingers rubbing my cheek.

"Like I just gave birth" I chuckle wearily making him laugh too. "How long till we have another one?" He asks jokingly, a twinkle in his precious eyes.

"Let's take this one home first" I lean my head back onto the pillows and Shawn stays stuck beside me.

A wave of love rushed through my body. This feeling was indescribable, I'm a mother, a parent with love of my life.

"You okay angel?" Shawn kisses my temple. "Hell yeah" I nod happily. He grins pecking my lips. "I wanna hold him again" I whisper into Shawn's ear, I hate to be selfish and take away him away from everyone but he's mine, already my bundle of joy.

Shawn nods walking over to Brian, he hands him the small baby and makes his way back to me. It felt natural taking him in my arms. He was tiny of course, full pink lips, button nose and lashes to die for. His small body wrapped  and a pale blue hat over his head.

"So perfect" Shawn whispers bringing his humongous hand down to cradle his head softly. I felt my eyes water, I look up and Shawn was already looking at me.

"No name yet?" Dad asks making me look at him, I feel Shawn snake his arm around me.

"I honestly don't know. It's so much pressure choosing another human's name" I chuckle, then my eyes go back down to my little boy, he was wide awake, eager to see the world.

"I have a name" Shawn announces shakily but I keep my eyes down.

"What is it?" I ask softly, my finger rubbing over my baby's cheek.

"Erm I was just thinking, you know that Lila, you've been through so much and that this baby is now a safe place for you, like a little piece of heaven on Earth..." he pauses letting out a shaky breath. "What about Haven Mendes?"

As I gaze down into his champagne coloured eyes, my baby's innocence clear, I could've never imagined such a perfect name.

"Haven" my voice cracks as I try to hold in my tears. "I love it" My eyes find their way back to Shawn, he and Haven already shared the same eyes and it made my stomach flip with the thought of them sharing even more amazing qualities.


"Yeah" I nod, so sure of the name. He ducks down pecking my lips softly. "Thank you" i lean my forehead against his, sniffling softly as I close my eyes.

"What for?" he asks, cupping my face to kiss my forehead, leaving his lips to linger there for a second then he pulls back, his teary eyes stuck on mine.

"Just" I shrug, the sight of him on the verge of tears made me tear up. "For loving me" my lips begin to tremble.

"Oh baby" He nestles his head into my neck, kissing my skin several times. "I'm never going to stop"

We stay like this for a little while, it just made me giddy for what was to come next.

"I love the name too!" Dad throws his arm around me and Shawn. I chuckle wiping my tears away. "Me too" I lean into my dads side as Shawn lets go but keep his hand on my back so I know he's there.

"I'm really proud of you honey, I just know you're not got to be like her" Dad kisses the top of my head. "I wouldn't dream of leaving him"

"You're already ten times the mother than she was. I know you got this little lion, no matter how hard it gets and-and you've got Shawn, I know he'll look after you" dad nods over at Shawn.

"Yeah, i got you" Shawn grins.

"Here that Haven" I laugh softly looking down at the sleepy baby. "We got the best boys ever" I lift him up kissing the tip of his tiny nose.

"Damn right, now let me hold my grandson" dad takes Haven from me going over to Taylor who was crying with joy.

Shawn sits beside me and I take his hand, my chin going on his shoulder so I was facing him.

"We did it" I whisper, just for him to hear.

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