Chapter 5

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Mina's POV

It's been 1 week since that incident happened...and it seems like because of that incident, Tzuyu became even more savage and colder towards me...didn't he already give up on me? Why does he still care about me? Is it because i'm his friend? Or could it be something more? No, it can't be! That's impossible!


"Tzuyu-ah, are you coming with us to the mall? Your brothers are coming with us too." Sana asked Tzuyu. We are walking towards the school gate. All of us are going to the mall as it's been a long time since we went there together as a group but i don't know if this time, we could go as a whole as Tzuyu seems to declined to go when Nayeon-unnie asked him during our break-time.

"No, i'm not going. I already said that i'm not going during our break-time just now." Tzuyu said annoyed

"But why? Why you not coming?" Sana asked again while the rest of us are just listening to their conversation

"I...i just...*sigh*....i just want to think things over once again." Tzuyu said, giving a simple reason

Sana was about to say, probably ask, something but she got cut off by Dahyun.

"Stop, Sana-noona. You already know why Tzuyu is not coming so just let him be. Plus, i also think that he honestly need to think things through again." Dahyun said sternly and looked at Sana who just kept her mouth shut and not say or ask anything to Tzuyu.

We separate ways with Tzuyu, who decided to head back to the dorm, and the rest of us continued to walk towards the mall nearby our school.

"Do you guys know why does Tzuyu don't want to come with us so badly?" Sana asked the guys who are walking beside us. 

"One thing for sure, it's personal but we do know why thanks to someone." Jeongyeon-oppa said, empathizing the last 3 words. I feel that he's referring to they know the incident? Did Tzuyu tell them about it?

"But we're his friends too. We should at least know why. Plus, friends always share their personal stuff with one another because we trust one another. Right?" Jihyo said and we nodded in agreement but the guys seem to not tell us about it still.

"Yeah, we know that but i think it's best for Tzuyu to tell you all in person. Since he's the one who told us too. You just need to wait for him to tell you. After he managed to think things through, that is." Dahyun said and the guys agreed with him by nodding their heads

The girls gave up on asking further so we decided to change the topic, making our conversation more lively again.

Soon, we reached the mall and we started to go arcade and shopping. 

We went shopping after playing in the arcade to our hearts' content. 

Jeongyeon-oppa help Nayeon-unnie and Jihyo to take their shopping bags. Dahyun help Sana and Momo with the shopping bags. Chae helped me to take the shopping bags.

Once we're done shopping, we head back to the dorm. Since the guys are helping us, they need to go to our dorm first to put the shopping bags down before heading back to their dorm.

When we walked pass the park next to the school, i saw 2 familiar figures sitting down on the bench. I'm pretty sure both of them are boys and i know them. I looked back to the rest and they seemed to see what i just saw but we all just shrugged it off. 

----THE NEXT DAY----

Tzuyu's POV

"Tzuyu-ah, were you at the park with someone yesterday?" Sana-noona asked me, looking behind to look at me.

"How did you know?" I asked, surprised that they saw me at the park yesterday. Well, i guess it's not that shocking as the mall is near the park too and not just near to our school since students tend to walk pass the park when on the way either to the mall or to the dorm/school. 

"We walked pass the park and we just thought that it might be you when we saw you with someone else." Momo-noona said

"Oh...yeah, i was at the park." i said emotionless

"Who are you with?" Sana-noona asked curiously

"I was with Yujin-ah. Right, bro?" i said and then looked at Yujin, who nods his head.

"Why are you with him? I thought you said that you need to think things through." Sana said

"I just need someone to give me some advice and Yujin was the only bro who is in the same dorm as me so i asked him. Plus, my hyungs were with you all while Yujin and i were the only ones in the dorm so we 2 decided to just chill and talk at the park. It's more relaxing at the park than at the dorm."  I explained

"Then did you manage to think things through, Tzu-ah?" Sana-noona asked me and i sense that she's concerned about me

"Yeah, but now, i just need to make my own decision after listening to what Yujin told me yesterday." I said

"Tzuyu-ah, make sure you make the right choice this time and not the wrong choice like last year." Dahyung said to me sternly

"Woah! It's like you know what Yujin and Tzuyu talked about!" Momo-noona said, shocked

"Yeah, of course! We all know! We are brothers!" Chae-hyung said like he's stating the most obvious thing in the world

"Plus, Tzuyu will always tell us first before telling you girls." Yujin added on

"Hey, Mina." That guy greeted and, as if we have rehearsed this before, we all looked towards the 2 students sitting in front of Sana-noona's row. Mina-noona, of course, greeted back and we all stared at the 2 of them and listening to their conversation as we can hear them very clearly from where my bros and i are sitting.

"Do you want to come to my dorm after school? My bros and dorm-mates would not be around." That guy said, hoping Mina-noona would say a yes. Mina-noona looked behind to look at us, specifically me, asking us for help but we just pretended we're not listening by looking at either our phones or down. I looked outside to see the scenery, pretending that i'm not listening. 

Then when Mina-noona looked back, we all turned back and listened to their conversation.

"Sorry, oppa. I'm not free after school." Mina-noona said, rejecting that guy. Haha! Serves him right!

"Why? Are you scared i will do dirty stuff to you again like that time?" That guy asked, trying to persuade Mina-noona to accept his invitation to his dorm and Mina-noona nodded her head slowly. That guy then put his arm behind Mina-noona and put his arm on her chair. I looked at my bros and they looked disgusted at that guy's sudden movement and i gotta admit, i also feel the same as my bros. I'm totally feel disgusted, man!

"Who say you can touch my friend, you dirty jerk?!" Sana-noona shouted, standing up and hit that guy's head very hard. That guy then put his arm away from Mina-noona to himself after getting hit by Sana-noona. He even did an 'ouch' and he deserves it!

"I was just trying to ---" That guy couldn't finish his sentence as he was cut off by Dahyung

"Trying to what? Don't tell you're trying to assure her that you wouldn't do those dirty stuff again?! That's definitely a lie! You're just trying to persuade Mina-noona to come with you to your dorm after school so you can do that stuff to her without her permission and our protection!" Dahyung shouted angrily at that guy


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