Chapter 9

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Mina's POV

After that incident happened between Chan Sung oppa, Tzuyu and i, oppa never talked to me anymore. He also never asked me out. Even though we sit beside each other, i'm glad that he only talk about stuff related to the lessons. I'm relieved that he won't bother me anymore.

I told Sana and Momo that i'm happy that he won't bother me anymore. I thought they will be happy but instead, they were worried. 

"He might be planning something bad behind your back." -Sana

"Yeah, that might be true. It's not like him to give up so easily on you." -Momo

"He won't know when to stop. So i think that might be a bad sign." -Sana

"So better watch out, Mina-ah. We will tell this to the guys and the others." -Momo

"I'm sure everyone will be here for you, Mina-ah." -Sana

That were what they said to me when i told them about it and they have already told the rest about it. The guys became more protective of me including Tzuyu surprisingly. The guys even told me that Sana and Tzuyu being a couple was a joke, they were just playing around but they didn't expect oppa and i would believe in it. Even Yujin and Wonyoung became protective even though i don't hang out with them. Probably it's because the 2 of them are part of the Chou's clan.


I'm here in the canteen with my friends since now it's our break-time. 

"Mina-ah, is he still bothering you?" Jihyo asked seriously

"No, not anymore." I answered

"Make sure you're careful when you're with him." Jeongyeon-oppa said sternly and i nod my head.

They are always asking me these same and similar questions and i know they are just being protective and concerned but still, for some reason, i found it annoying because they are asking these questions every day.

As usual, sometimes, Tzuyu, Dahyun and Chae will be with us and sometime, not with us. I guess they only come when Jeongyeon-oppa forces them to come. The 3 of them are with us now and of course, Jeongyeon-oppa forced them to come along.

"What should we do after school today?" Nayeon-unnie asked while eating her food

"I have a meeting to attend today. My hyungs will be with you girls so don't need to worry as they will protect you all from the Hwang's. I can ask Yujin to come with me to the meeting." Tzuyu said sternly and everyone nodded their heads.

"What is the meeting about? Can't we go too?" Sana asked with aegyo to Tzuyu

"Too bad you can't go because you're not part of the Chou's clan or family." Tzuyu said and chuckled softly. Sana pouted and everyone giggled at her.

"Don't need to worry, squirrel. You can still see me tomorrow." Tzuyu said and patted Sana's head while the rest of us went 'Ooo~' and Sana blushed, looking down.

"But --" Sana was cut off by Tzuyu

"No buts. We still see each other everyday, anyways. Plus, Yujin will be with me so don't worry, you worrying squirrel." Tzuyu said and chuckled softly. Sana blushed and kept silent and continued eating her food while the rest of us just giggled at their interaction, thinking they look cute together. On the other hand, i can only giggle along with them but on the inside, i know i'm feeling jealous because Tzuyu is my crush....

Sigh...honestly, sometimes, i think that Tzuyu and Sana are really a couple even though they are just playing around and pretending in front of Chan Sung oppa. I felt hurt and sad because Tzuyu and Sana are almost together all the time and i didn't get to talk with Tzuyu. 


We were in the midst of our math lesson when suddenly, there was an announcement. 

"Good afternoon, schoolmates and teachers. I am the principal, Mr Ahn. The student council would like to have a prom night in school and i have accepted their offer. I have discussed with the student council regarding the prom night and we have came to a conclusion. 

To all students, the prom night will be held on next Saturday and make sure you have found your partners to dance with by then. 

This is all i have to say. Thank you and have a nice day."

Our principal, Mr Ahn, spoke from the speaker in our classroom. Somehow, that surname sounds familiar. 

"Hey, Yujin! Isn't good to hear your dad's voice from the speaker?" i heard Dahyun said. No wonder that surname sounds familiar. Mr Ahn, our principal, is Yujin's father. And yes, he owns this school. But i wonder if Yujin's father and Tzuyu's father know each other, i mean Yujin is in the Chou's clan so i was thinking if they knew each other...

"Yeah, it's good to hear and listen to his voice again!" Yujin said happily

"Do you still see your dad nowadays?" Chae asked

"Hmm...sometimes, i guess. I only see him when i attend meetings with Tzuyu." Yujin replied

"Does that mean our dad are there too?!" Dahyun and Chae asked at the same time

"Yeah, he is. He's always there when we attend meetings." Tzuyu said

"Woah! Why didn't you tell us that, Tzuyu-ah? Do you know how much we want to see dad?!" Dahyun said

"Chill, bro! I'm sure you will get to see him but not during meetings because you guys have to protect the girls!" Tzuyu said

"And even if one of you come with me to the meeting, i'm sure the other 2 can't protect all the girls in our group." Tzuyu added on

"Well, that's true. Then, Tzuyu-ah, do you know when we can see dad?" Chae said

"Yeah, we want to see him!" Dahyun said

"I know you all miss dad and i will ask him when, okay?" Tzuyu said

"Yay!" Dahyun and Chae happily said

"Oh ya! Tzuyu, when's the prom night again?" Yujin asked

"Next Saturday, why?" Tzuyu said simply

"Ah!" Tzuyu and Yujin said like they realized something 

"It's the same day as our meeting!" Tzuyu and Yujin shouted at the same time

"Mr Yujin and Mr Tzuyu, why are you 2 shouting in my class?!" Our math teacher shouted

"Sorry, sir. We finally solved the question that's hard for us." Tzuyu lied and the teacher just believed and let the 2 of them sit down.

Why would Mr Ahn put the prom night on the same day as their meeting? Did they expect something to happen that day?


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