Chapter 21

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Mina's POV

Should i hang out with Tzuyu? How should i ask him out today? Should i ask the girls? Would Tzuyu find it fishy that i ask him out suddenly? Of course he will find it fishy, we rarely hang out alone together! What should i do? Should i make a move? How should i make a move? 

ARGH! There's so many questions and thoughts on my mind! 

I want to ask Tzuyu out but i just don't know how! I am not that brave to ask him out! ARGH!

"MINA!" Nayeon-unnie shouted my name which made me snapped out of my thoughts and came back to the reality world.

"Huh?" I said, frowned and confused

"Is there something wrong? You have been spacing out." Jihyo asked worriedly and everyone else looked at me with worried and concerned face

"You can tell us. The boys are not here, it's only us here." Momo said and i looked around the table. She's right, the boys are not here. I forgot that the boys are staying in their class today because they are too lazy to walk to the canteen with the exception of Tzuyu and Chae, who always stay in the class.

"Is it related to any of the boys in our squad?" Jihyo asked, looking concerned

"If it's about Tzu, then let it out. All of us here knew about your feelings for him so you can go ahead and tell us." -Sana

"I want to ask Tzuyu out but i just don't know how." -Me

"You can just ask him. How is it hard to ask him out?" -Momo

"Momo, you're so dumb. Of course it will be for Mina to ask him out." -Nayeon-unnie

"How is it hard?" -Momo

"Put yourself in Mina's shoes. If you like Dahyun, do you dare to approach him and ask him out? Plus, the both of you don't even talk a lot." -Jihyo

"'s hard..." -Momo

"Dumb~" -Nayeon-unnie while Momo glared at Nayeon-unnie

"Isn't it weird if i ask him out of nowhere? He will think it's weird that i ask him out so sudden." -Me

"Yeah, he definitely think it's weird." -Sana

"Then how can i ask him out...?" -Me

"I think talking to him more will be better than asking him out when you 2 are not even talking a lot to one another." -Jihyo

"But what if some girl confess to him and he accept?" -Me

"Don't think too much about that, penguin! He won't accept, he will reject one! So you don't need to worry about that! Plus, Tzu will only accept the girl if he have the same feeling for her." -Sana

"Yeah, Sana's right. So talk to him more often from now onward." -Jihyo

"Okay, i will try..." -Me

We all then walked back to our respective classrooms.

I wanted to talk to Tzuyu during lessons but he seemed to be so focused on the lessons so i didn't want to break his focus just because of me and i just focused back on the lessons.

 After school, i couldn't talk to him as he went to hang out with his bros while i became disappointed and the girls comforted and tried to cheer me up which worked. I managed to cheer up thanks to them. I'm glad to have them as my friends.


"Good morning, Tzuyu-ah." I greeted Tzuyu, who is on his phone. He looked up and greeted me with a smile which shows a little of his dimple. His smile is so cute! He smiled at me! I'm so happy!

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