Chapter 1- Opening Night

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(The story will always be told in allies POV unless I say otherwise)

"Alright great job everyone. Remember, it's 2:00 pm now and you have to be back at 5:30! The house is open at 7:45 and the show starts at 8:00. you guys are going to do great! You've worked so hard and I believe you can do this! Have a nice 2 hour break!" our director Jeremy says. We smile and hug him and all walk outside to our rides. Graham and I meet his mom, we carpool since we are next-door neighbors. He get inside his moms car. "Hey kids how was practice!" she says enthusiastically. "Its called rehearsal!" we says at the same time. She puts her hands up in defense. "It was tiring." I say. "But fun." Adds Graham. I smile and we drive to our building.


"Wanna come over? We can run through some lines and a couple songs like "Tell her" and stuff." I ask Graham. "Yeah sure." he says. We open the door to my house. "I'm home mom!" I yell. "Okay Allie! I'm on the phone." she yells back. I shrug and we walk upstairs. I grab two bean-bags. "What do you wanna go over first?" I ask. "We could do that first scene up until you sing?" he says. "Sure!" We run the scene about 6 times. "Okay let's do that one where you ask me out, right before getting ready." I say. "Okay." he says nonchalantly. I feel something spark inside my chest. . We run through It but we burst out laughing and start to get sidetracked by singing hey kendra.

"Okay okay let's focus. Lets do tell her like 3 times then get a snack." he says. "Okay." I plug my phone into my speaker and find the karaoke on my playlist. The music starts.

(I'll always do the song lyrics but I don't really do the scenes because I'm afraid I'll mess it up and I don't have every line memorized just the majority.)

Graham starts:

Tell her you've thought about what happened

Tell her you haven't slept at night

Tell her although you made a huge mistake

You want to make it right

Tell her you know you aren't perfect

Tell her you've waited way too long

Tell her you're sorry, tell her you mean it

Tell her you just were wrong

Then I go:

Tell her she shouldn't have ignored you

Or dissed you in front of all the school

Tell her the minute she got out of touch

You felt like such a fool

Tell her that studying together

Was so nice, you prayed it wouldn't end

Say you forgive her, say you were jealous

Ask if she'll be your friend

Both of us start to harmonize and we take a step towards each other just like in rehearsals:

Tell her that people get things wrong

Cause people are afraid they wont fit in your world or in your life

But things will work out fine if she will only listen

Then we start the echo part:

Tell her that all you ever wanted

Tell her that all you ever wanted

Was maybe

A smile or a glance

Tell her your sorry

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