Chapter 14- Two Can Play At This Game

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A/N: YASSS 300 reads! Ps there's some cussing in this chapter so if your sensitive to the "f word" then I'm sorry but it's only said once

It's been 1 day since Graham and I broke up, and I feel like shit 24/7. Our performances have been a little awkward and we moved to actually doing a stage kiss. A stage kiss. I'm going to talk to him about it today though. It breaks my heart that he's this upset. I don't mean to sound vain, but he can't really be with someone else For a while. Right? Wrong. When I walked into rehearsal you won't believe what I saw. Fine two can play at this game.
Graham's POV
I feel like I'm getting dehydrated from all the crying. I need something to hold me over. All the girls in the cast are taken, well minus allie, so I can't exactly have one of them. Wait..... There's one girl besides Allie. I really hate to do this but it's my only choice if I want to make allie jealous. I type in her number. "Hey Ari want to meet for coffee before rehearsal?"
I walk into rehearsal with my arm around Ariana, hers around my waist. I see allie sitting at the edge of the stage, her eyes bulging when she sees us. I grab Ariana's waist a pull her into a huge kiss. I almost regret doing it when I see the look on her face. It breaks my heart all over again. She looks mad as she stomps off stage. I think it worked
*2 hours until show*
Graham's POV
I start to walk to Al and Aaron's dressing room, since they always have tea. I open the door without knocking, but instantly regret it when I see what's inside.
Allies POV
2 can play at this game
The thought races through my mind as I walk to Aaron and Als dressing room. I knock and then open the door. Only Aaron's there. Perfect. "Hey Allie! Did you come for tea." He asks. "Yeah" I say reaching for the bottle at the same time he does. Our hands brush and I look into his eyes. Perfect. I brush my lips against his and he kisses me. I kiss back hard. I hear the door open and we pull away slowly. Its Graham. Even more perfect. Two can play at this game, I meant it. Graham leaves almost as quickly as her comes in. I run after him not saying anything to Aaron. "Hey Graham since you're here there's something I wanted to talk to you about." He doesn't say anything so I start chasing after him. He doesn't stop until we reach his empty dressing room. "What do you want!?" He says. "I just wanted to talk about the show. I know things have been a little awkward-" "AWKWARD! This is worse than awkward! Losing the person you love most isn't awkward, it's MISERABLE. I'm surprised I don't have temporary brain damage from all the times I banged my head against the wall while crying over YOU!" He says his face turning red. I can't say anything but I'm sure my face is equally as red. "I-I'm sorry I just-" "Sorry for what? Kissing Aaron? Breaking up with me? What?!" "All I came here to say was let's try to be professional as possible tonight OKAY?!"i say fuming. "Whatever just leave." He says and slams the door. "REALLL MATURE GRAHAM." I yell. I walk away feeling the tears come on. i run into a dark figure. "Well well well....." Ariana says as I look up. "What do you want now? I've done everything you said and you still want to torture me what do you want! Because it's obvious I've done everything you needed and you have what you want now so please leave me alone or I will show Jason the texts!" I say. She just glares. "Whatever. I have Graham. so I still win." she smirks. I slap her across the face and she clutches her cheek. "Just shut the fuck up." I say walking away in tears.
I've barely talked the whole show. I talked to Aaron and he doesn't have any feelings for me but he was a little upset I was using him against his best friend. Ariana and Graham were being all lovey Dovey backstage, and I almost got sick. I have a plan for the kiss tonight though. I walk onstage for the fight scene after it can't be true, and it almost feels good when Graham gets *punched*. I run to comfort "evan" wiping his nose and crap.
We sing our song when it finally gets to the kiss part.
" The chances that you-" he stage kisses me but I grab his face so we're actually kissing. I can tell he's surprised but he doesn't hold back. It finally feels like I'm a whole piece again. We almost forget to separate. It feels like it's been centuries since we've kissed. We continue the song and I help him change for a little more homework. I peck his cheek and it feels like my lips are on fire. I touch them as if to keep the feeling there forever.
After the show I go to throw up (it's become a habit). I hear knock on the doorway in my dressing room. Crap! "Allie?" Double crap it's Graham. "Allie? Allie are you okay?" He asks rushing to hold my hair. I finish throwing up. I cough and get a drink of water. "Do you know why you got sick?" He says. "Yes." I say looking down. "Well-" he says drifting off. "I did it on purpose." I say looking in his eyes.
Is Graham going to find out what's been happening? Find out in the next chapter




Disclaimer: I don't own 13! Or it's characters

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