Chapter 17- The Dream Part 2

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A few weeks have gone by and Graham still hasn't come by. I feel so heartbroken when I see the pictures he posts with Ariana. And to think after all she did to me during 13! I lie in my bed crying again when I get a call. Speaking of the devil.... "Ariana?" I say into the phone. I hear crying on the other end. "Ariana?" I say again. "Graham.... Car wreck.... hospital... hurry." Is all I can make out. Oh no. she manages to tell me what hospital and I go as fast as I can.
I go up to the front desk. "Excuse me what room is Graham phillips in?" I say starting to tear up again. "are you family?" She asks. "Yes! Please let me see him." I say starting to cry. "Room 1300." she says sympathetically. I run to his room and see a beat up Graham with several wires attached to him and bandages and a cast on his arm. I see a sobbing Ariana in the corner. "Ariana." I say hoarsely. She looks up. "Oh your here." she says running to hug me and we sob together. "What happened?" I ask. "Its all my fault I'm so sorry. We got in a fight and I was driving and we got in a wreck.Im so sorry Allie. As you probably know I just went through a break up with Nathan Skyes and I was lonely and Graham showed up on my doorstep. Your the one he loves and you two are meant to be together." Ariana says. I hug her tighter. "The doctor says that he has to go into surgery and that he may have some brain damage and slight lung puncture." she says. I start to cry more. "I'm gonna get some food. I'll be back in like 30 minutes, want anything?" She asks. "Just some chocolate frozen yogurt." I say. "Okay." she says. She leaves the room and I sit down next to Graham's bed and hold his hand. "Graham, I know you can't hear me but I love you so much. I'm sorry I didn't hear you out. I could've prevented this I could've done something. I'm so sorry I love you." I say starting to cry again. "Allie."graham gives the faintest noise. "Graham!" I say in a whisper-shout. "Allie.... Don't leave. I love you." He mutters. "I'm not going anywhere." I say kissing his cheek. "I-" a machine he's hooked up to starts beating really fast. "Graham! Graham!" I scream. The beeping slows down until it's just a flat line. His hand goes limp in mine. I lay my head on his chest. No heartbeat. I gasp and start to sob hysterically. "Allie? Allie?! Allie?! Allie........"

"Allie? Allie?!" Someone shakes me awake. Graham. Oh my god. Thank god that was a dream. I look around and see I'm on the couch in my dressing room. "Graham Oh my god you're okay." I say pulling him into a tight hug. "Why wouldn't I be?" He asks. "Uhh no reason. But come here." I say pulling him down and he lays down beside me. He puts his arms around my waist and mine go around his head. I play around with his curls and stare into his eyes. "You're so beautiful." he says. "I love you." I say. "I love you so much." he says. My lips meet his and it feels amazing.

Do you think that dream meant anything? Find out in the next chapter




Disclaimer: I don't own 13! Or it's characters

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