Chapter 9- Allie VS. Melissa

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The next morning I wake up and I look how I feel. My eyes are puffy and my face splotchy, plus my hair looks like a bird attacked it. I roll out of bed and walk across the hall to my bathroom, where Melissa is wearing a very slutty red top with a high waisted navy skirt and combat boots. "Why so dressed up?" I say. "Well Jeremy said I could watch rehearsal today so I thought I could dress nicely." she said. I forgot she knew Jeremy, they must have talked on the night she saw my show. Of course. She wants to look good so she can catch Graham's eye or something. I roll my eyes in my head. Well 2 can play at that game, the game I'm already winning. Now obviously what Melissa is wearing isn't appropriate rehearsal wear but it doesn't matter what I wear, it's what I do. Still I put on black leggings and a turquoise and white chevron t-shirt. I put on some makeup and I braid my hair to the side. I slip on some white toms. "I have to leave right now so just come with me." I say. Melissa nods and we leave the apartment. "Are we picking up Graham?" she asks with deep hopefulness in her voice. Here we go again. "No he had to go early for some stuff." I say. Soon we get to the theatre. "Its the trimms! What a wonderful surprise!" jason calls out. "Jason I'm here everyday." I say. "No just kidding." he says. "Want to see my dressing room?" I ask Melissa. "Sure." she says sounding bored. We walk up the stairs until we reach the girls floor. "This is it." I say. "It not that big but I love it." I say. "It's cool." Melissa says. "Hey Allie! You should've texted me!" I hear Graham say behind me. I give him a hug and a small peck. "Hi Melissa I didn't see you." Graham says. "Hey." she says smiling. Graham puts him arm around my shoulder. "So what are you doing?" he asks. "Oh jeremy said Melissa could watch rehearsal today and I was showing her my dressing room." I say. graham smiles. The intercom crackles. "Okay time to start." we head to the stage area and Melissa sits in the front row while the rest of us go onstage. "As you can see there are not a lot of you here." we glance around. its just me, Graham, aaron, Liz,delaney, and Eric. "so we are going to work on Any minute, Liz and delaneys part in hey kendra, If that's what it is, terminal illness, tell her, Get me what I need, what it means to be a friend, and the lamest place in the world. Lets go team." jeremy says. I sit with Melissa and Graham and we watch any minute and hey kendra. Then it's time for if that's what it is. I smirk since I have a plan to make Melissa jealous. We sing up until the famous part.

"And the chances that I took"

"The chances that you-"

I kiss Graham with more force and passion than the one day where we had to stop. We separate on time

Though and Graham looks dazed. I catch Melissa's eye and she looks jealous for sure. Good. We finish the song and I sit down to watch terminal

Illness and get me what I need. Then it's time for tell her.

Near the end of the song I grab Graham's hand. "Tell her you just want another chance." When we hug I kiss his cheek and he smiles. "Okay Graham get out of my sight. Just kidding but seriously get offstage." Jeremy says. I do my 2 songs and its feels very exhilarating, as it always does. You know you're life is complete when you are 13 and get to sing a song on Broadway onstage by yourself. I get down from the stage. "Okay 2 hour lunch break guys enjoy it." jason says. We all laugh and say goodbye. "Want to go to lunch? I'll pay?" Melissa says. "Why not?" Graham says. Melissa gives him a devilish smile. ewww go away.


We walk a couple blocks to a little Restaurant. We get some sandwiches and sit down to talk. Graham and I play footsie under the table and Melissa notices. Good. We finish and we start to walk to the park. Graham and I hold hands while we walk and I can tell that it puts Melissa on edge. We get to the park and Graham whispers in my ear. "Movie tonight? 7:30?" (That's why I included any minute since its in a movie theatre) he asks, his lips tickling my ear. I whisper back. "Of course." By now Melissa looks furious. We sit at the park for a while and talk. "Well this has been fun but I have to go to the apartment and write some invoices." Melissa says briskly walking away. "That was weird." he says. "Yeah." I don't really think about it much longer, because Graham is kissing my neck which distracts me. "Graham!" I whisper softly. I kiss his ear, his cheek, and his forehead. Finally our lips meet. We stay like this for about a minute when Melissa cuts us off. "Um I forgot my purse."she says awkwardly. I slide off Graham's lap, both off our cheeks red. "no-" she walks away before I can say anything. Was she crying? If she was I don't know why. I hear something in the bushes behind us. I swear I saw someone. Graham grabs my chin and tilts my head toward him. I rest my forehead against his, and he pulls me back onto his lap. I sit with my head rested on his shoulder, while he plays with my hair. "Want to go to the pond?" he asks. "Sure."

We walk over to the pond and sit near the end on a flat grassy area. There are lilies in the water and grass and rocks. "It's so beautiful." I say and I rest my head on Graham's shoulder. He puts an arm around my waist. "Not as beautiful as you." he says. I can feel the red of my cheeks. I turn to look at him even though I probably look like dork. Graham slightly laughs, and as if he read my mind he whispers in my ear "I love that I can make you blush."


*this is after the show, it was earlier today*

"I'll knock on you're door at 7:15." Graham says. "Okay." I kiss his cheek and run upstairs to go get something to wear. I rummage again and find the perfect out fit. I pull out a white skater skirt, a black zipper crop top (it only shows 1 1/2. Inches of my waist!), and some black flats with little gold studs all over it. I put on various jewelry and brush through my wavy hair. I spritz on some perfume, touch up my makeup, and put on lip gloss. (Outfit above) I take a deep breath and grab my phone. "Hey mom im ready to go." I say. "Moms not here. I have to take you." Melissa says. "Okay." I say giving a fake smile. then Graham knocks on the door. I open it and his jaw drops. I giggle. "Shall we depart to the cinema?" Melissa says. "Sure Melissa." I say laughing

We get in Melissa's rental car. Whenever Graham and I are in a car with an adult or something we try and see who can give each other the most pecks on the cheek without them noticing. Usually Graham wins because he's sneaky. Its really awkward when they do notice though. We play our game on the 10 minute drive to the movie theater. I can tell that Melissa noticed but she didn't say anything. "Okay we're here so I'll pick you up at 9:00." she says. We walk to get our tickets. "What are we seeing you never told me?" I say to Graham. He smiles. "Were seeing Annabelle." he says. My eyes go wide. "What! I hate scary movies." I say. He just grins. "That's what I'm here for." I look at him suspiciously. "I'm going to regret this." I say as we sit down. "No you aren't." Graham says before kissing me.

Do you think Melissa is going to make A move on Graham? Find out in the next chapter



Disclaimer: I don't own 13! or its characters (or Graham phillips but I wish I owned him)

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