Epilogue- Part 3 {The Wedding}

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I ruffle my long white dress. My hands are sweating and there's nothing else to wipe it on. "Relax Allie. This is going to be the best day of your life just go with it!" Delaney, my maid of honor, says to me. "you're right I'll calm down." I say. She does my hair is a curly chignon, such a funny word, and puts some little flowers in it. We do my makeup and I slip into my white sparkly heels. They go perfectly with my dress. I turn to my bridesmaids, who are all wearing blue dresses, and they shriek. Just so you know, my bridesmaids are Caitlyn, Brynn, Ariana, Liz,and Melissa. Graham's best man is Aaron and his groomsmen are Eric , Joey, Al, Malik, and Eamon. Yes it's cheesy that the cast is our wedding party and no I don't care. Graham's Niece (his brothers daughter Stella) is the flower girl and my nephew ( Melissa's son Alex) is the ring bearer. "You'll do great Allie don't be nervous." Liz says. I nod but I'm still shaking. "Okay we have about 15 minutes." Delaney says. It only makes me more nervous. I wonder what Graham is doing.
Graham's POV
"I'm freaking out. im freaking out." I say pacing. "What if allie changes her mind? What if I trip? What if someone forgets o do something? What if-" I say but Aaron cuts me off. "Bro stop with the what ifs! It's going to be fine! All that matters is that you two love each other." Aaron says. "You're right." I say my heart rate slowing. I adjust my bow tie for the 30th time. "it's time." Eric says. My palms start to sweat. Its okay it's okay. I start to sing under my breath, it's what I do when I'm nervous. "Dude you've got to stop that. I know it's a habit but no one wants to hear the opening number of 13 during the wedding." Aaron says. I glare and him and he just laughs. "Okay go."
Allies POV
Soon everyone is where they should be and its only me that has to go. I start to sing under my breath, it's what I do when I'm nervous. Stop allie! I walk through the big doors, music playing, and everyone stands up to face me. That is not helping my nervous rate. I know what your thinking, how could a girl who was on Broadway when she was 13 who performed in front of thousands of people be nervous for something like this? That was different. I was acting, I was a different person. I continue to make my way up the aisle and I catch Graham's eye. his jaw is dropped to the floor, eyes wide. It makes me smile. I reach the end and hand delaney my flowers and stand in front of Graham. He stares at me with great intensity. "Graham?" The priest says. "huh?" He says turning to him. Everyone in the church laughs at his being distracted. "I said do you have your vows prepared." he asks. "Oh yes." Graham says looking embarrassed. He grabs my hands and I look into his emerald eyes. "Allie. I remember when I first met you, it was at the first group rehearsal. We all sat in a circle and said some stuff about ourselves, what we were playing and all that and then did a read through of the script. When I heard you were playing opposite of me
I died. I thought 'Crap this girl is to pretty for me it's going to be weird.' and then I found out you lived next door. so we started hanging out and realized it wasn't weird at all. Then opening night came and I realized it was far from weird, almost like our chemistry was to lifelike. And today is showing that it is. I love you so much Allie." He finishes, and it's a good thing I'm wearing waterproof mascara. "Graham. I actually saw you once before 13, not in person though. It was in a goldfish commercial. I was obsessed with that commercial and would always recite all the dialogue and sing the jingle, and of course Melissa would tell me to shut up. So one day she started calling me goldfish girl and I didn't mind because I knew that the person on the commercial was special. so I told my mom I wanted to be in a commercial and I started auditioning around and I had auditioned for plays and stuff to until I had an agent and an audition for a Broadway musical. And I always had a bag of goldfish at every audition,
Because it reminded me of why I started out. If I never had seen that commercial, I might have never gotten interested in commercials and theatre and I wouldn't have met my best friends and most importantly you. and what's funny is that it was you that motivated me. I love you so much and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." I say. Graham sort of laughs/ cries when I recite my vows.
then I do's are said. "you may kiss the bride." Graham and I share an amazing kiss and the crowd cheers.

The chances that you-

The crowd cheers and whistles.

This resembles how the kiss on opening night felt, except better. "I love you Mrs. Phillips" Graham says. "i love you mr phillips." I say smiling. "Just remember-" he starts "Ill always be there to catch you when you fall." we say together.





Disclaimer: I don't own 13! Or it's characters

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