Chapter 16- The Dream

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A/N: this chapter is a little confusing but it'll make sense after the next chapter
Graham and I are on our way to go tell Jeremy and Jason, but we run into them on the way. Perfect. "Ah. We were looking for you 2. we wanted to tell you we are going to do a run through of the show and for you to tell the rest of the cast." Jeremy says. I nod and Graham and I walk off. We tell everyone and soon were all in the stage area. "Okay from the top."jason says.
We start the opening number and I start to feel queasy and lightheaded. I probably just need food since I just threw it all up. We finish the opening number and I feel really winded. I'm on Broadway though and you just need to suck it up on Broadway. Luckily I don't have to do a quick change since it's not a dress rehearsal, so I get some water. I go onstage for my song and begin to sing after Graham and I's lines.
Down the road there's a Dairy Queen
Up the block there's a Walmart
There's a place you can accessorize your pets
A school, a tree, a couple of churches, and no matter how hard anybody searches, that's about as thrilling as this dumbass village gets!
I continue to sing and start to feel sick again but try and tough through.
It's the lamest place in the world but it just, it just....
That's all I remember, well that and Graham screaming my name, before I go black.
I roll out of bed and walk into the kitchen. Graham's not home from filming yet so I make some tea and sit down to watch tv.I put my feet on the coffee table and the brush over some papers. I bend over to grab them. Its a magazine. I'm about to set it down when I notice the cover. Its a picture of Graham kissing the girl who's starring in his movie with him. I can't believe this. so that's what he's doing when he's "working late." I already feel the tears coming on. I know why he's doing it though. We been dating since 13!, 8 years, and he's bored of me. I hear the door start to unlock. "Hey babe I'm home." Graham says coming through the door. I look at him with watery eyes. "Babe what's wrong?" He says sitting down next to me and putting an arm around me. i wiggle out of his grasp and throw the magazine onto the table. "See for yourself." I say running into our room and locking the door.
"Allie." I hear a soft knock on the door. "Go away." I say sniffling. "If you want me to go away, you're going to need to let me in so I can grab some clothes." He says. "Graham just leave I don't want to talk to you." I shout. I don't hear anything except footsteps. I start to cry again
About an hour later I get a text from Graham.
Graham Cracker💕😘🎭- I left to stay in a hotel. I know you're mad at me but can we talk about this I need to explain!
Me- Graham I know why you did it. We've been dating for a long time and you're bored of me I get it. I'm done for a while. Go see other people and see what you're missing out on.
He texts back.
Graham Cracker💕😘🎭- Allie please don't do this
I don't reply.
*skip to two weeks later*
I know Graham has been by the apartment to get clothes while I'm not at home because there's some of his stuff that's gone. I can't help but feel empty inside. I go on Twitter to see what's up with my fans when a picture Graham tweeted shows up on my feed. "At Starbucks with this chick 😘 @arianagrande " I start to tear up more. I guess he took my advice to heart.
What the heck is going on? Find out in the next chapter



Disclaimer: I don't own 13! Or it's characters

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