Chapter 11- Ariana gets in the way. Again.

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He pulls a chair out for me and

I thank him and sit down. He sits opposite of me and stares at me intently. "What?" I say smiling. He just shakes his head. "You just don't know." he says. "I don't know what?" I say confused. "How beautiful you are." he says. I smile and blush. "Thanks but I'm not that pretty,i mean Melissa is prettier than me. And so is Ariana." I say feeling a pit in my stomach. Graham grabs my hand across the table and shakes his head again. "Never say that again. you are the most beautiful,kind, amazing, talented, smart, funny, adorable, weirdo I know. You're perfect to me." he says intently and I know he means it. This time I shake my head. I feel tears coming on and I smile. "Your amazing." I say. I feel a weird feeling in my stomach. He stands up and crosses over to me. I stand up and engulf him in a hug. I close my eyes and it feels like time stops and I just want to be here with him. I never knew one person could be responsible for all my happiness. I Pull away from him and he kisses me. I smile into the kiss. Its tender and perfect, not to rough but not a small peck. We go look over the skyline at the edge of the balcony. I lay my head on his shoulder. "This is perfect."


We wake up at 4:30 in the morning and I throw on leggings and a big shirt. I put on my converse and grab my millions of bags (4). I drive with Graham to the JFK airport but we sleep the whole ride. When we get there jeremy and jason give us our boarding passes. We look at our seats. "Row F seat 3." I say. graham shows me his. "Row F seat 1." he says. "Who's i between us?"I ask. "I guess we'll find out." he says. soon it's time to board our plane so we get our carry on bags and walk to our seats. I go in first and get out my phone, ipad, a book, and some earbuds. Graham gets his stuff and sits down. Then Someone comes over to our seats. Ariana. No no no! She can't be sitting with us. She puts her bag up and sits in between us with a magazine. She gives me a fake smile, and gives Graham a genuine one. "Hi." she says cheerfully twirling her hair. It makes me want to throw up. I ignore her and put in earbuds. I look out the window when I feel my phone buzz.

"Graham Cracker: Help! Shes staring at me!" I start to text back when I see Ariana looking over my shoulder. "What the heck?" I whisper shout. "What? I was just looking out the window." she says trying to be innocent. I roll my eyes and my phone buzzes again. "You know, you haven't

Been throwing up lately, I suggest you get started again when we get to La, unless you want Graham to get hurt. I know about your little 'date' last night. Because I was there you just didn't see. Ps that was me in the park. I see all-Ari" I look at her but she's just reading her magazine. My heart starts pumping. Oh no. I thought I was done with the throwing up. Then again, it does make me feel skinnier. I guess I'm kinda doing myself a favor, and I don't want Graham to get hurt. Soon I fall asleep.


Finally after 7 more hours we reach LA. We get to our hotel and get room assignments. Thank god I'm not with Ari, I'm with Delaney, since they did it by dressing rooms. Eric and Graham are next door to us. Delaney and I sit on our beds and talk. "I have a secret to tell you." Delaney says. "What?!" I say excitedly. "Eric and I are dating." she says. I gasp and we squeal like little girls. "Aww for how long?" I ask. "Almost a month." she says. "Awww we should go on a double date sometime." I say.

After a while we go to sleep, well she does. When I'm certain she is asleep I go into the bathroom and make myself throw up. I get a cup off the counter and rinse my mouth out and brush my teeth, all without waking her up. When I get back to my bed I can't sleep so I go on my phone. I see I have a text. "Graham Cracker: you still up? I Can't sleep Eric snores really loud." I laugh internally. "Allie: Yeah I'm awake." "Graham Cracker: Wanna hear a joke?"

"Allie: *sighs* oh no."

Graham's POV

"Allie 💙😘😏😍😻💏💞💘💍💎🎭💟🎤🎹📚- *sighs* oh no.*

"Graham- So a guy goes to the doctor and he says 'Doctor my arm hurts.' so the doctor rolls up his sleeve. Then the arm says 'Can I borrow 20 bucks?' and the doctor says to the guy 'I see the problem your arm is broke.'"

"Allie💙😘😏😍😻💏💞💘💍💎🎭💟🎤🎹📚- What are you smoking?" I laugh and think for a second before I send the next text but something in my head told me to.

"Graham- I love you."

No one POV

After a while Graham was worried that he shouldn't have sent that, since Allie didn't reply. He thought she just fell asleep so he goes to bed. What he doesn't know is that the message failed to send. Is that a sign?

Do you think it was a good idea to send that text? Find out in the next chapter




Disclaimer: I don't own 13! Or it's characters

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