Chapter 12- Three Little Words Yet They Mean So Much

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I wake up at stretch out. The cast has to meet in the lobby at 12:30 and its 12:00 right now. Wow I slept late, or at least if feels like it because of the time difference. Delaney and I get up and get ready. I wear a black and gold BO$$ tshirt and some jeans. I take out my braids and reveal my wavy hair. I put on my converse and Delaney and I head to the lobby to get breakfast. We see Eric and Graham. I go up behind Graham and put my hands over his eyes. "Guess who?" I whisper in his ear. I feel him smile. "Aaron is that you?" he says. I uncover his eyes and he turns around. I give him a fake pouty face. "No it's me."i say pretending to cry. He grins and pulls me into a hug. I punch his shoulder playfully and he kisses my forehead. "Hey Delaney." Eric says patting her shoulder. "She knows." Delaney whisper shouts. "Oh okay good." Eric says and pulls her into a hug. I rest my head on Graham's shoulder. "Ahh young love." I say dramatically sighing. He laughs and grabs my hands. "Meet me on the roof tonight at 10:00." he whispers in my ear. I smile and nod. We all eat some breakfast and head to the area where we will meet Jeremy and Jason. "Okay guys. We are going to head over to the theatre. The house opens at 5:15 and the show starts at 5:30 so it will be done around 7:00. Then we will have a cast dinner and then come back to the hotel around 9:00. Lets go team." Jason says.
Delaney and I do our final touch ups and start to do some mini vocal warmups. Then I do my show ritual which is listen to my tracks. when I finish with my songs I head out to get in places. I take some deep breaths and do my little speech to myself that I do before every show. "I'm a star. I was born a star. Im gonna rock this. I will-" I stomp because I'm startled by someone's hand on my shoulder. I jump and turn around. "Calm down its only me." Graham says. I relax and he snakes his arms around my waist.
"Theres something I need to to tell you. I was going to wait until tonight but-" "Graham places." a stagehand calls. "I guess we'll have to wait again." he says slightly laughing. He jogs on stage to his place. Great now I have to sit in suspense all night. I mean the first scene that we are both not onstage is opportunity, and I'll be changing during that scene. So really we'll have to wait until tonight on the roof. Okay allie calm down you don't even know what he was going to say what if it's something small, DONT get your hopes up. Oh crap I have to go onstage.
*at the cast dinner*
The show was really awesome tonight, Graham and I had a really good stage kiss tonight. We talked to some important people, like movie casting directors. "Okay guys we have an announcement. The casting directors we talked to our holding auditions for a back to school commercial tomorrow and they need 2 girls and 2 boys around your age. And to top it off we have our photo shoot tomorrow to promote the show some more in LA. So yeah enjoy your dinner." jason says. We burst into Chatter amongst ourselves. "This is awesome what if we got the commercial together!" Graham says. "That would be cool." I say smiling. We all finish eating dinner and go to our rooms. I begin to get ready for my date. I get out a coral polka dot bow dress, white flats, a small coral purse, a pearl bracelet, my necklace that Graham gave me, and a music note phone case. I get ready and put on makeup and do a hair bow (literally). I slide on Graham's favorite lipgloss, mango tango, and slip on my shoes. I smile and take a deep breath. I grab my purse and open the bathroom door. "Oohh adorable! Where did you get that dress?!" Delaney says. "I bought it at the little boutique next door! It was half price." I say. "Hey you look amazing to! Eric?" I say wiggling my eyebrows as I admire her emerald strapless knee-length dress, curly hair, and silver flats. "Maybe." she says winking. We giggle and I tell her goodbye since her date isn't until later. I close the door and turn around only to find Graham right behind me. "Scared me." I say blushing. "I seem to have that affect on you lately." Graham says smirking. I blush more. He grabs my waist. I breath in his scent. "ready?" he asks. "Always."
We get to the rooftop and there's a fire pit and two comfy looking chairs. The rooftop looks over the skyline of la and the Hollywood sign. Its almost as breathtaking as New York. We sit down and there's stuff for s'mores, so we make some. I finger my necklace. Graham grabs my hands. "There's something I need to tell you." Graham says. This was what he was going to say to me earlier. He pulls at my hand and we walk to edge of the roof top. He grabs my hands. "Allie. I- I- love you. There I said it. And I don't care who knows." He says looking into my eyes. "Allie say something." he says looking worried. My heart's racing. I can't believe he said that. His hands start to feel sweaty. He drops mine. "Im sorry this was a mistake." he says starting to turn away. I grab his arm. He turns around and I pull him in for a kiss. It gets heavier and before I know it we've been making out for 5 minutes. i Pull away gasping for air. "I love you to." I say. "I love you more than you could imagine. The way your hair shines, Your voice, the way you don't care what anyone thinks, the way you smell, the way your eyes sparkle, the way you bite your lip when your nervous. Everything." he says. My phone buzzes in my purse but I ignore it. I kiss Graham again and we get lost in each other.
"Wow so you and Graham are just the little happy couple aren't you? Well not for long. Wow I can't believe he's with someone as fat as you! Well at least you're still doing what I tell you, it takes off a few pounds. You definitely need it. Kissed.-Ari"

I throw up once again and go back to bed. Im Getting sick of this, literally. Maybe I should tell Graham.

Do you think allie should tell him? Find out what she does in the next chapter!




Disclaimer:I don't own 13! Or it's characters

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