Chapter 7- Sister Buisness

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"Allie wake up! you have to go to-" My mom yells before bursting through my door. Graham and I wake up, due to her loud outburst. "oh Allie I didn't realize we had company." My mom says smiling. "Oh sorry mrs. Trimm, Allie called me last night and we fell asleep watching a movie and we didn't want to bother you by waking you up." Graham says giving a charming smile. Yeah my mom loves Graham. Ever since we met she has always been charmed by him, just like everyone else. "Oh it's completly understandable, and thank you for your consideration. And how many times to I have to tell you to call me Kristen!" She says smiling. "sorry Mrs.- I mean Kristen." Graham says smiling. "Okay kids you better get ready to go to the theatre. Oh Allie remember your sister is flying in today to come see the show so make it a good one as always!" she says before exiting my room. I gulp. "You have a sister?" He asks. (The picture of what I imagine Melissa is above) "Yeah" I say looking down. "Whats wrong?" he asks. "Her being her is going to be so nerve racking! I'm going to mess up and then she'll just have an even better excuse for why she's better than me. She's only 18 and she's already graduated college with a 4.5 gpa and owns her own Biology lab or whatever! Every Time someone asks my mom about her children it's all she can talk about. Everyone expects me to be a genius but I don't want to be. I like what I do. And now that she's coming she'll get to see what a big failure I am compared I her! And it will disappoint my mom." I say starting to feel awful. "Allexandria trimm! I will not sit here and listen to you talk about your so called failed life! You are 15 years old and starring in a Broadway musical, you were cast as the lead out of thousands of auiditonees! And you don't have to be a genius! You're sister has that but she definitely doesn't have a creative bone in her." he says. "This is true." I say feeling a little bit better. "And you are so amazing my talented you don't need to be a genius. You're mom should be proud of you and I'm sure she is but I'm proud of you. And I think you're perfect." he finishes. I look down, blushing. "Okay we have to go." my mom calls.


"Places everyone." Jeremy whispers. I turn to Graham. "Break a leg."he whispers. "You too." I say. I hug him and kiss his hair, since a lipstick stain won't show. Okay I don't have any lines or solos in the opening number I can survive.

Shortly the opening number is over. You think a 8 minute number would go on for a while but we've done it so many times it seems to zip through. I do my very quick change before I make my entrance. "Cmon there's got to be something more to do here!" Graham as Evan says whilst the opening chords of my song begin. "Well....

Down the road there's a Dairy Queen

Up the block there's a Walmart

There's a place you can accessorize your pets" I sing as Patrice shrugging.

"A school, a tree, a couple of church's

and no matter how hard anybody

searches that's about as thrilling as" I sing smiling. My face falls for the next part.

"This dumbass village gets! Its the

lamest place in the world, but it just got

A little bit better!" I sing staying calm, since I'm looking into Graham's eyes. When I'm onstage with him everything comes naturally. I stay calm and relaxed and most importantly Patrice, until I spot my sister Melissa and my mom in the audience. A sweat breaks out but I continue smoothly with the song.

"So don't dissapear! It's the lamest place in the world, but I'm pretty sure it's not as lame as it was before now that you're here." I say finally finishing the verse.

Soon I finish the song glancing at my sister throughout the song. I can't make out her facial expression but I'm sure it's dull. "Cmon I'll show you the hillside where everyone waits for the resurrection." I say making my exit. Well that only took forever.


The show seems to go slower tonight because we're only at tell her.

"All you have to do is talk to her." I say as Patrice to Eric as Brett. "Talk to her? I needed you to tell me that!" he responds. "God, you guys are so stupid! no wonder you're not Girls!" I say as patrice. The boys give me faces and we continue with the scene.

"Tell her you just want another chance." Graham and I sing wrapping up the song. We stand embracing onstage and it's so comforting considering the pressure im under. We pull apart on cue and progress through the show.

Later we get to if that's what it is.

I'm nervous about it since it's the first time my sister and my mom will have seen me kiss someone, and not just someone.

"The chances that you-"

Graham kisses me so passionately and it definitely makes me calm down. "If that's what it is,then that's what it is at least until Disney can rewrite it."


"You ready?" Graham asks. "As I'll ever be." I say. we walk out to the area where we will sing autographs and what not. "Allie Graham!" we here several people shout. We go along talking to people as instructed. We meet some very interesting people. "Allie!" I hear a familiar voice say. "Mom! Melissa!" I say and Graham I rush to them. "You were amazing! You both were! you definitely compliment each other onstage." my mom says hugging me and wiggling her eyebrows. I give my sister a hug to. " I'm not fond of musicals, but I must say that was quite fascinating and a grand display of expertise, especially for a group of youth as yourselves." my sister says, obviously having to make it sound smart. I smile. "Thank you." I say simply. "Melissa, this is Graham my-" I stop. We haven't really talked about if we were an official couple or not. But Graham has obviously decided based on what he says next. "I'm her boyfriend/ best friend." Graham says smiling and shaking Melissa's hand. Hs gives him an intense look I don't enjoy. "I see. How old are you?" she says. "Almost 17."he says. Why does she care? "Well Graham I am Very, very pleased to meet you." she says pursing her lips whilst her eyes smile a wicked smile. "Shall we head to dinner?" my mom says. "Sure!" I say.


About an hour later we have all had our food and are just talking. Throughout the whole meal Melissa, who sat directly across from Graham, was staring at him with the same intensity as earlier. Back off! Ew he's younger than you find some geek at your science lab. I grab Graham's hand and he looks and smiles at me. "Thank you very much for this lovely dinner Mrs. Trimm." Graham says sweetly to my mother. I smile. Could he get any more perfect? I think no. we step outside after paying the check. "Well should I fetch a taxi cab for us?" Melissa says. "Sure." my mother says. Soon we are in the cab, my mom in the front, and Graham in between Melissa and I. Graham and I have a conversation with our eyes, were just that good. We reach our complex and before we get out I notice Melissa slipping a paper into Graham's lab. He signals that he'll show me inside. We head up to our floor. My mom and Melissa go into my apartment while I stand in the hallway with Graham. "What was it?" I ask. "I already threw it away, but it was her number." He says. "What! Ughh Melissa! I can't have one good thing in my life without Melissa getting something out of it can I?" i say. "Hey calm down." Graham says lightly kissing me. I smile "okay I'm calm. So about what you said earlier, I'm your girlfriend now?" I say trying to contain my excitement. "Of course." he says smiling. He kisses me again. "Goodnight." I say before heading inside. When I open the door Melissa stumbles. Was she listening?


"Wow already introducing Graham to the family? Must be getting cozy. That's a mistake on your part. Kisses bitch.-Ari"

Is Melissa being a perv? find out in the next chapter




Disclaimer: I don't own 13! Or it's characters

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