Chapter 8- Meeting With The Enemy

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I wake up and go downstairs to get some cereal, and am greeted by Melissa. "Hello sibling." she says. "Hi Melissa." I say smiling. I sit down with my fruit loops. My phone makes the table buzz. "Sorry I have to take this." I say. She doesn't say anything. "Hey Graham." I say. Her face finally shows some interest. "Whoa hold on I can't hear you." I say. "I can't hear you when you're crying. Okay. Okay I'll be there soon. Hey shhh it's okay I'll be there in 5 minutes. Okay. It's okay." I say. "Is he okay?" Melissa says with actual emotion. "It doesn't sound like it but I'll go see what's up." I say. I run upstairs and put on a bra and different t-shirt with my black leggings and converse. I brush through my hair and put on basic makeup as fast as I can. I grab my phone and rush to his apartment. "Graham what happened?" I say running into his room. "This." he says glumly handing me a small sticky note. "Save Allie before its to late and meet me tonight outside the stage door at 8:30. Alone." the note reads. My face goes blank. "Has Ariana sent you any more texts?" he says. "No." I lie to the best of my ability, which is pretty good considering I'm a child actress. If I said yes he would find out about the bulimia, which I had continued with.

"Okay. then I wonder who this is." he says. "its probably still her, she is like obsessed with you so even though she quit the texts she's going to try this." I sat. There now if she shows up then he thinks that's why. "Okay. I have to go though, if I don't this person will hurt you and I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you that I could've prevented." Graham says. "Graham..." I say speechless. "I would do anything for you." Graham adds. Our lips brush against each other, and I feel the same surge of electricity as always. Our lips lock and my hands grip the back of his neck and his hand slither around my waist. Soon there is no space between us. I pull away due to lack of breath but there are a few small pecks after we pull away, to insure the kiss lingers. I bury my head into Graham's neck. "Come eat breakfast with me then we'll go to the theatre." i say. He just nods and grabs his duffel bag of stuff he brings to the theatre.


*much much later, sorry for skipping so much*

Soon it is 8:25, and Graham is outside the stage door and I'm hiding behind the wall about 2 feet away to listen in. I hear some heels clacking down the hall and I know it's her. "I didn't think you'd show up." I hear ariana say. "Anything for Allie." Graham says. Its takes everything in me to not squeal. "Whatever. I'm sure you know why you're here. I want you. And when I want something I don't stop until I get it. So I'm going to give a choice. You can take the easy way: Give in now, be with me, and never talk to Allie unless it's onstage. Or you can take the hard way: you can be with Allie but the second you guys start to be happy I will continue to torture her, and you won't be able to stop in." ariana says. "No. Neither. Were doing this my way or not at all. You won't lay a finger on Allie, or else you will be the one hurt. She never did anything to you and I don't care if you 'want me' I'm not for sale. We could've been friends but I can never look at you the same way again now." he says. Then it is silent. I poke my head around silently, only to quickly return. They were kissing. My eyes start to tear up. Then I hear a smacking noise. Someone got slapped, and my money's not on Graham."Just get away from me. I thought I made it pretty clear that I'm not interested. I hate you! go away!" he shouts. "Fine but you just made this worse for Allie!" Ariana yells. hear the clacking of heals walking away, so I come out. I start to cry and collapse into Graham's arms. "Its gonna be okay. Just remember I'll always be there to catch you when you fall." Graham says. And I 100% believe him.

Do you think Ari went to far? find out in the next chapter



Disclaimer: I don't own 13! Or it's characters

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