Chapter 2- Cast Party/ Graham and Allie?

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*after the show at cast party*

After the show all of us put on formalwear ( I chose a black sorta puffy and sparkly dress with short white heels) We went to a restaurant where the waiters sing you're order and they have karaoke non stop. We got a huge booth and all started talking. "Okay Ladies and gentleman the next karaoke sign-up sheet is open." All of is rushed to sign up. They started the karaoke and everyone one by one began to sing. Finally, I was the tenth person to sing. "I don't know what to sing." I say. "I'll sing with you." Graham says. "Okay but that doesn't help me figure out what to sing." I say. "Don't worry I'll pick something you'll know it trust me." he says. I go along with it as he grabs my hand and pulls me onstage. He whispers something to the music his and her nods smiling. Then the opening chords to lucky by Jason Mraz and Colby Collait starts. He looks at me and smiles. he knows Jason Mraz is one of my favorite artist that's not broadway. He begins to sing:

Do you hear me,

I'm talking to you

Across the water across the deep blue ocean

Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying

Then I start to sing:

Boy I hear you in my dreams

I feel your whisper across the sea

I keep you with me in my heart

You make it easier when life gets hard

We both join in perfectly hamonizing:


I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend

Lucky to have been where I have been

Lucky to be coming home again

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

They don't know how long it takes

Waiting for a love like this

Every time we say goodbye

I wish we had one more kiss

I'll wait for you I promise you, I will


I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend

Lucky to have been where I have been

Lucky to be coming home again

Lucky we're in love in every way

Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed

Lucky to be coming home someday

We take a step closer to each other looking at each other when we sing. Were only about 6 inches apart.

Graham begins to sing again:

And so I'm sailing through the sea

To an island where we'll meet

You'll hear the music fill the air

I'll put a flower in your hair

He tucks my hair behind my air when he sings and i blush. I almost forget to sing the next verse:

Though the breezes through the trees

Move so pretty you're all I see

As the world keeps spinning round

You hold me right here right now

He joins in again for the chorus:

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend

Lucky to have been where I have been

Lucky to be coming home again

I'm lucky we're in love in every way

Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed

Lucky to be coming home someday

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

The song finishes and we hug. I look over his shoulder and see Ariana glaring at us. Oh come on we're just friends get over it he probably doesn't like you that much. The whole place bursts into more applause then for anyone else that night. The lady who started the sign-up sheet comes on stage. "Wow that was incredible! I have a feeling you guys have experience?" she asks. "Actually, were starring in the original Broadway musical 13! Right now. All of us are," Graham says gesturing to our table. "Yeah tonight was our opening night so this is our celebration." I add. "Wow what group of talent! Everyone yell 'Oh Yeah!' if you're definitely going to see 13! now!" the lady says. The whole place bursts into a chorus of "oh yeah." Graham and I hug again and return to our seats. Well this has been a night.


I'm about to open my apartment door when I see Graham coming down the hall. "Hey graham! that was really fun tonight." I say. "Yeah it was." he says grinning. "I mean even though some of our scenes didn't go as planned tonight..." I say referring to the kiss. "Oh what did we do wrong?" he says. "Oh just that kiss was..... different." I say kinds blushing. "I didn't mind." Graham says under his breath. "What?" I ask, even though I heard. "Nothing. Goodnight Allie see you tomorrow." He says. I hug him and just before pulling away, I kiss his cheek. I give him a small wave and rush into my penthouse, closing the door before he can say anything else. I slide down the wall sighing. Singing that song with Graham felt amazing tonight. You know, I can't believe I didn't know that the lyrics in that song we're going to be true.

Are Allie and Graham feeling something for each other? Find out In the next chapter



Disclaimer: I don't own 13! Or its characters

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