Chapter 10- The last night of new york

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I can never look at dolls the same way after that movie. "Is it over?" I ask, my voice muffled since its buried in Graham's chest. "Yes it's over." he says. I look up and the lights are on and most of the people are gone. I'm shaking ,that movie was so scary. Graham notices and he grabs my hands. "Its just a movie." he says. I nod and we walk out hand in hand, get in the car, and drive to our apartments.


We get to our floor and Melissa goes in without saying anything. "Can I sleepover I'm to scared." I say. "Of course." he says, kissing my head. We have a meeting early morning tomorrow, so we go to bed quickly. He gives me a T-shirt and I change in the bathroom. We lay down on his bed, not even bothering to put covers on because we're so tired. I'm half asleep when I feel a whale of an arm drape over my waist. I'm certain I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

*next morning*

We wake up at 6am, yeah I know, and I go to my apartment and put on some jeans and my 13 T-shirt, our uniform for today. We have to preform in Central Park today, but first we have a meeting and a small rehearsal (1 hour). I brush my hair and make my face look normal. I head back to Graham's apartment and we share a pop tart. Soon we head out tiredly to the theatre.

*at the theatre*

"Okay I know you're all mad I've called you here early but I have big news."Jeremy says. We all look at him tiredly. "Starting next week, We are taking 13! On tour!" jason says. We all jump and scream and cry and hug each other. Graham grabs my waist and spins me around. I laugh and we hug. "This amazing. You and me all across the country." Graham says. "Yeah and the rest of the cast and crew." I say. He laughs. "You're the one who matters most." he whispers in my ear. I turn around and see Ariana about 7 feet away, glaring AS ALWAYS. I roll my eyes and go back to celebrating. Nothing can make me upset right now.

"Okay guys here is all the paper work and you're plane passes and everything you'll need for the first flight." Jason says passing out folders with our names on them. "Where are we going first?" Graham asks. "California. Were starting over there and working our way back." Jason says.

This makes us cheer more.

"Okay time to head to central park." jeremy says.


*6 days later: Leave for California tomorrow at 8:00 am*

Graham and I decide to go out tonight since its our last night in New York for a while. I walk into my closet and pick out: A blue skater dress with a cross front, white flats, a white clutch. (Outfit above) I put on makeup and finish curling my hair.

I head to Graham's apartment and knock on his door. He stands in the doorway, wearing a black blazer, a white Oxford tucked into his khaki jeans with a leather belt and sperrys. "Wow." we say at the same time. He wraps his hands around my waist and

Pulls me close. My breath hitches. He hears and smirks. He whispers in my ear , "I love what I can do to you." I blush and smile and the ground and he tilts my chin up to face him. He pulls me in for a kiss but I give him a small peck before pulling away. He groans. I smirk and start to walk down the hall, swaying my hips just to tease him. He jogs up to me and slips his hand around my shoulders. "So where are we going?" I ask. "That is for me to know and you to find out." He says. I glare a him and he smiles innocently. We get into a cab and he tells the driver the address. We drive for like 20 minutes, laughing and talking and doing whatever. 😏. We finally reach the place and Graham gets out holding his hand out for me. He helps me out and the cab drives away. "Don't we have to pay?" I say. "No I worked something out." he says. "You know I don't like it when you spend money on me." I say. "But I like to." he says. I roll my eyes and we head into the building. We walk to an elevator and it takes us up to the roof. We get up there and there is a round table with a white table cloth and roses and candles and 2 chairs. Were on a balcony that looks over all of New York. "This is amazing." I say looking over the edge at the skyline. Graham slips a box in front of me. "What's this?"i ask. He motions for me to open it. its a half heart necklace that says her one with a little heart at the bottom. I look at him confused and he pulls a chain out from under his shirt, that has the other half of a heart that says his only with a small heart under. He shows me how they fit together. My hand goes to my mouth. He grabs my waist and turns me around. I lift up my hair and he places the necklace around me and fastens it. I smile and turn around and kiss him. And its perfect.

What will Ariana do when she finds out there getting so close? find out in the next chapter




Disclaimer: I don't own 13! Or it's characters

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