Chapter 3- A visitor/Ariana Vs. Allie

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*the next day at pre-show rehearsal*

"okay guys Warm-ups start at 3:00! it's 1:30 right now so you guys have a break but you have to stay here." Jason says. We all spread off to do different things. I sit in the greenroom on a couch with my phone. Most of the cast is in here. Then my phone buzzes, and 6 texts from Graham come in. I roll my eyes playfully since we're in the same room.

Graham Cracker- Hey

Graham cracker- Hey Allie

Graham Cracker- Hey. Hey Allie

Graham Cracker- Hey guess what?

Graham cracker- Hey Allie guess what

Graham cracker- Hey. Allie. Hey. Guess what.

I text back.

Allie- What?!😂😂

Graham Cracker- Hi

Allie- *sighs* sometimes I worry about you

Graham Cracker- #flawless

I look at him and he smiles. I glance to the right and see Ariana glaring at me. Again. God she gets so jealous just calm down! I go and sit by Graham.

"What's up Graham cracker?" I say. he laughs. "Graham cracker?" he asks. "Yes you got a problem?" I say. "No! But now I have to come up with a nickname for you." he says. "I guess that's true." I say. Then a dark shadow appears above us. We look up. ariana flashes a sweet, but super fake, smile. "Allie can I talk to you. Alone." she asks. "Yeah sure." I get up and follow her to the hallway. "I know you're into Graham. But you can't have him. he's already mine so back off. Just stay away from him." she says. "Its a little hard! Were in Broadway show together and we live next door to each other." I retort. "Just stay away from my boyfriend!" she says. I stop breathing. "Y-your what?" I say. "You heard me! just stay away from him." she says walking off. I don't know why this upsets me so much. Graham would have told me. Right? Shes just lying. RIGHT? I know what I have to do. I walk to Jason. "Hey Allie! how's my super star!" he says. I flash a smile. "Great! Just one thing." "Whats that?" "Yeah I'd like to request a sing-off." I say. "Okay We haven't done one in a while." jason says. We can request a sing-off every once in a while where we have to pick a song and challenge a person in the cast to it. Then the rest of the cast does a vote on who was best. It's really fun. "Allie? " jason asks. "Right. Yeah I would like to challenge Ariana, Take me or leave me from rent." I say confidently. "Excellent choice! I will announce it over the intercom. I flash a smile and head to the stage area. the intercom crackles. "Attention all cast report to stage area for a sing off." The intercom becomes silent. In about 5 minutes the whole cast/ crew is in the stage audience. "Okay Allie, announce your opponent." Jason says. "Ariana." I say smirking. She glares and walks onstage. "What song?" Ariana says. "Take me or leave me. Rent." I state. "Great. A personal favorite." she says. I smirk and the music starts. I do the first verse before Ariana can jump in. ( "Lyrics" its Allie. -lyrics- it's Ariana"

"Every single day

I walk down the street

I hear people say

"Baby's so sweet"

Ever since puberty

Everybody stares at me

Boys, girls

I can't help it baby

So be kind

And don't loose your mind

Just remember that I'm you're baby."

-Take me for what I am

Who I was meant to be

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