Chapter 13- The Bump In The Road

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(A/N: The photo shoot and audition are tomorrow.)
I wake up with a headache. Great. I probably just need some food, then again everything I eat just comes back up again. I get on my phone to check the time and see I have 2 text messages, 1 from Graham (😃) 1 from ariana (😩). I open Graham's first.
"Hey are you okay? It sounded like you were getting sick last night.- Graham Cracker❤️
I reply.
"Yeah probably just some bad food but I'm better now."
Then I open Ariana's
"Good job last night. Anyways Bitch, you meet me at the theatre at 12:00.- Ari." I check the time. 11:30. I put on some jeans and one of Graham's plaid shirts with a tank top unbuttoned. I slip on toms and a black beanie and grab my phone. I start to write a note to Delaney, but notice she isn't there. Oh well.
I walk to the theatre. The stage door is unlocked. I receive a text. "Come to my dressing room.-Ari."
I walk to her dressing room and before I can knock, the door opens."Didn't think you'd show up." she says evilly. I step in and sit down. "So what did you want?" I say. "I want you to tell Jeremy that you can't do the part anymore." She says smirking. "What? No!" I say. "Fine than break up with Graham." She says. "But-" I stop to think. I think about how my parents dropped everything to move me to New York. About how they spent so much money. About how I've made a commitment. About all my friends. And about how I would basically give up my whole life. But then there's Graham..........
I can't quit but I can't lose Graham. "What happens if I do neither?" I say. "I have a shotgun." Ari says. "Seriously? You're threatening to kill me? Over a boy? Honestly, I love Graham, but look at the person you've become! You're so obsessed with one person that you will do stuff like that. And I hate to break it to you but Graham would never love you if you hurt me." I say. She opens a drawer and holds the gun( I thought she was Lying) up to my head. "How about now?" She says. I stare at her. "fine."
But it wasn't fine.
I can't break up with Graham. I just can't. But I have to. I ponder on my hotel bed what I should do. Finally I stand up and go into the hall. I knock on Graham's door. "Hey beautiful." he says while opening it. "Hi." I say giving a faint smile. He leans in for a kiss. I can't kiss him, it will change my mind. I turn away and he kisses my cheek instead. "Whats wrong?" he asks confused. "Graham we need to talk." I say. I step inside and sit on the bed and he follows suit. "Yeah?" he says. "Um. I um. I have to. um. Imsorrybutikindahavetobreakupwithyou." I say. "What? I couldn't hear what you said you were talking to fast." he says. "Graham." I look into his eyes, and it breaks my heart. I can't do this.
"I have a gun"
The words flash in my mind. I can't but I have to. For my safety, our safety. "Graham, I have to break up with you. I'm sorry but I don't have a choice. I love you but I can't do this." I say. His face falls, and he doesn't say anything. "Why are you doing it? Is there someone else?" he asks. "No! No! it's not that at all I just have to do this. I'm sorry I can't explain. I just-" my voice cracks. Graham is giving an 105% effort not to cry. "I can't believe this is happening." he says. "Im sorry." I say my voice coming out as a croak. "Please leave. I can't see you right now it will only make me feel worse." he says looking at the ground. Tears spring in my eyes and I get up and walk out the door. I close it gently and whisper "I love you." one last time. Then I sit in my hotel room and sob.

"Yay it's finally happening! Now that Graham's upset I can swoop in and make him feel better! Oh I wonder what the show will be like tonight.- Ari"
1 hour until show
"Allie can you come to stage? We're running tell her." Jason says standing in the doorway of my dressing room. "Sure." I say. I gulp. Just great. I get in places onstage without saying anything to Graham. He looks dead to the world. His face is made up but you can tell he was crying, or maybe that's just cause I know he was crying. We run the number and jason and Jeremy give us a look. "Where was your chemistry? Is something going on because that was not like you guys." jeremy asks. "Were probably just tired." i say faking a smile. I look at Graham and he's already looking at me, but we quickly turn away. But for that one second we made eye contact, I felt alive again.

Will Graham and allie make up? Will Ari ever get busted? Find out in the next chapter




Disclaimer: I don't own 13! Or it's characters

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