Chapter 6- Arianas Task/ Alliaham Prillips

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I finally have to stop due to lack of breath, and judging by his heavy breathing he does to. He smiles and I lean my forehead against his, and he loosens his grip on my waist whilst I loosen mine in his hair. I return the smile. "So what did that mean?" I ask. "Allie I've liked you from day 1, I mean I thought you knew by now. Will you go out with me? Officially?" he asks. "Do you even have to ask?" I say Smiling like an idiot. He pulls me in for another kiss but I give him a small peck, just to tease him. "Ungh!" he says. "Graham we need to go to the theatre." I say. "Okayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy." he says. We walk the short 10 minutes to the theatre hand in hand.


"Okay kids 1 hour until show. Time to start "getting ready." Jeremy says singing the last part. Some of us laugh others role their eyes. "Okay that was a bad pun but seriously go." he says. We rush to our dressing rooms to do our usual routines. I go to the bathroom in our dressing room since I had a huge water at the green cafe. "Allie your phone buzzed!" Delaney yells to me. "Who is it?" I say. "Graham. He said "Central Park at 8:30? winky face." what's that about?" she asks. I emerge from the bathroom and wash my hands. "Oh we're just........... hanging out." I say. "Hmm." she says wiggling her eyebrows. "Shut up!" I say giggling. "Oh come on you know you have to tell me! I see the way he looks at you! And that kiss during rehearsal! Cmon everyone in the cast knows he likes you! Its so obvious. We even came up with a ship name." she says all in one breath. "What?! What is it!" I say. "Alliaham Prillips." she says laughing. "Omg that's ridiculous." I say joining in on the laughter. Then I tell her everything from the sleepover at his apartment to our 'date' at green cafe. She squeals. "Aww Allie is growing up!" she says pretending to cry. I hit her with an m&m."Mm thank you." she says eating it. I roll my eyes. "Cmon lets finish getting ready." I say singing the last part, mocking Jeremy. She laughs and we continue with our routine. I get another text. "Better get that don't wanna keep lover boy waiting." she says. I roll my eyes playfully and grab my phone. But it's not from Graham. "Wow you really don't want to listen. Hooking up with Graham? Big mistake. Guess I have to give you the task early. Why would Graham ever like you? Your ugly, annoying, you can barely sing 2 notes, and most of all your fat! Really fat! Your first task: change something about that fatness, and you know exactly how. Remember, bitches that don't listen get hurt. kisses- Ari

P.S. Don't even think about showing this to Graham or you'll be farther in with me." My face falls. "Are you okay?" Delaney asks. "Yeah. I'm fine" I say putting on my best fake smile possible.


"Okay meet in the hallway in 30 minutes and we'll head to Central Park." Graham says. "Okay." I say smiling. I kiss his cheek sweetly and walk into my apartment. I run upstairs and strip. I put on deodorant and body spray because of post show stench. I rummage threw my closet and find the perfect outfit. Graham said to wear a white dress so that's what I'm doing. I pick out everything I will need:my coral dress with a gold waist, gold flats, and gold jewelry. I put everything on and then do my naturally wavy hair into a braided headband. I do some touchups on makeup and take a deep breath. I grab my phone, yell to my mom, and walk out the door. Graham is already there and his mouth drops when I come out. He looks stunning himself. He has on tight khaki jeans, a brown leather belt, a white Oxford shirt, and some tan sperrys. His hair is ruffled and his top 2 shirt buttons are unbuttoned. Sexy. Stop Allie you're 15. "You look amazing." he says smiling. I smile and blush and suddenly my shoes are the most interesting thing in the world. He grabs my hands and I look up, looking into his perfect green eyes that I could stare into forever. He lightly kisses my nose. He places his hand on the small of my back and pulls me into a hug. I breath in his scent, and he smells amazing. I never want to let go. "Ready?" he asks. "Of course." I reply simply. We take the short walk to Central Park, and he leads me too a huge tree in the center of the park next to a pond. There are candles (a lot of candles), a blanket, and a large picnic basket laid out. "Graham this is amazing." I say. "I hoped you'd like it." he says smiling. " I love it." I say. We sit down and he pulls out a tuba ware bowl of pasta, two baguettes, and two brownies, plus some sparkling grape juice. Food. It makes me remember Aris text. It also makes me remember how I will have to make this food come up tonight, or else. "Are you okay?" Graham asks, a look a deep concern crossing his face. "How could I not be when I'm here with you?" I say smiling at my cheesy line. He laughs and leans toward me. I do the same and soon our lips are crashed against each other. My hands go into his soft curls, while his go around my waist. "So how about that pasta?"


"Great job at completing your first task! Its disappointing, I'm sure that food Graham brought was fabulous. You get a 24 hour break then it's back to business. You want to be with Graham? It comes with a price. Kisses bitch.- Ari" I receive the text after I'm done shoving my fingers down my throat. "Wanna come over? I can't sleep. 😩😘" I text Graham. "I'll be over in 1o. seconds." he responds. Soon enough I hear a soft knock on my bedroom door. He lays down on my bed next to me and we watch That's so raven, but soon enough we're both sound asleep.

Do you think Graham and allie are better off as friends? Or are they a cute couple? find out in the next chapter



Disclaimer: I don't own 13! Or it's characters

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