Chapter 4- Graham Knows The Truth/ Rehearsal

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*the next morning*

I wake up before Graham does and get up to go to the bathroom, I won't bore you with details. When I get back Graham is still asleep so I sit on the couch in his room. I get on my phone and see I have a new text.

"Bitches who don't listen get hurt. -Ari" My face gets hot and my heart starts pounding. There's nothing she can do, right? I mean there is always adults around at rehearsal. Unless.... Oh no! what if she tries to sabotage me onstage? I start to tear up. I can't risk our show like that. I know what I have to do. I start to gather my stuff, which isn't much, when Graham starts to stir. "Mm. Allie?" he says in a sleepy voice. "I'm right here." I say bending down to his level. "Good Morning. What time is it?" he asks. "9:30." I say. We don't have to be at the theatre until 11:00. "Okay." he says and then yawns. He starts to kinda drift off to sleep. "I'll see you later." I say. I kiss his cheek and leave quickly.


*later at the theatre*

"Welcome to another day of rehearsal. 15 minute delay until start time." Jason says. Perfect. just enough time to finish my Starbucks. And talk to Ariana. I get up to go find her when I feel someone tapping on my shoulder. "Hey Allie!" "Sorry Graham I can't talk right now." I mutter starting to walk away. i turn to look over my shoulder, and he stands there looking confused. I walk away faster and open The door to Ari's dressing room. "Hello Allie." she says without looking up from filing her nails. "Ariana." I state. "Why are you here?" she asks rudely, finally looking up from her nails. "We need to talk." I say. She stands up. "About what." she says smirking. "About that text. And Graham." I say. "You-" I stop. i hear footsteps. Soon the abruptly stop. I guess the person left. "I'll stay away from Graham if you really care that much. But don't do anything to hurt the show. And most importantly don't hurt Graham." I say, starting to tear up. "Why would I damage any of those things? Now that you're giving in I have everything." she says. I wipe my eye. "I have to go. "i say turning on my heel and opening the door. I stop abruptly when I see Graham standing there. "How long have you been standing there?" He doesn't say anything. "How much did you hear?" I add. "Enough." he says. "Allie..." he says. Then Ariana opens her door. she glares at me slightly then smiles. "Hey Graham!" she says cheerfully. He just shakes his head as he walks away. Her eyes narrow at me. "What did you do?" she says.


"Okay Guys time to get started!" Jeremy says and we file into the stage area. "places for opening number then were going to do a little more homework, brand new you, getting ready, all hail the brain, and any minute. Then I want to work on opportunity and it can't be true, then bad bad news and hey kendra, then finally we'll work on if that's what it is, tell her, and terminal illness. Finally well finish with The lamest place in the world and What it means to be a friend." Jeremy says than takes a deep breath we laugh and get started on the opening number.

"Hi my name is Evan Goldman. I live at 224 west 92nd street in the heart of Manhattan and my life just went to hell."


After a little while of rehearsing it's time to do if that's what it is. We start singing and after a while we get to "the part"

"One day I'll be older and then I'll write a book about the choices that I made."

"The choices that you made."

"And the chances that I took!"

"The chances that you-"

Graham kisses me and it feels similar to opening night. Except better. Soon we don't even realize that we've been kissing for almost a minute . I mean we should've, the music stopped and the audience is silent. Finally I have to pull away for air. This time we really are embarrassed. The stage area is still silent until Al yells out "Yeah Graham! Getting some!" We all burst out into laughter, even Jeremy. Well not Ariana. As usual she sits there glaring at me. Give it a rest! "Okay let's start from the beginning of Graham's part." Jeremy says laughing. Sometimes he has to remind himself that we aren't adults.

Graham and Aaron do terminal illness and its hilarious, as usual. I leave him a text.

"Except for you because you're Jewish and you always complain.-Allie"

"Okay Allie get onstage." Jason says.

We do tell her and it goes well as usual. (A/N: I just noticed I keep saying as usual) I do my 2 songs and then it's time for our 2 hour break. I see Graham grab his bag and look at his phone. He smiles, looks at me, and starts to type. My phone buzzes in my hand a few seconds later. "😂😂 Want to get lunch?- Graham Cracker" I walk to meet him, look back and smirk at Ariana. "Sure!" I say. We link arms and walk outside.

Do you think Graham should stay out of allie and Ariana's buisness? find out in the next chapter



Disclaimer: I don't own 13! Or it's characters

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