Chapter 15- The Moment Of Truth

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"Yeah I did it on purpose." I say looking down. "What?" He says his face falling. "As in-" "no I know what you mean but why? Why would you ever do this to yourself!" He screams at me. "You don't know the full story!" I say. "Allie." he says softly placing a hand on my cheek. "I'll make this stop, well make this stop. Together. You know I'll always be there to catch you if you fall." he says sweetly. "Can you explain this whole situation he says softly, like he was explaining something to a 4 year old. I tell him everything, from the texts about bulimia, to her spying on us. "But why did you not just show this to Jason and Jeremy!" He says referring to the texts. "Because." I say pausing, "she threatened to kill me. I saw her gun. After you told me you loved me she thought it was getting to serious so she said quit the show or break up with you. And if I did neither she would have killed me." I say starting to cry. "So that's why....." He says starting to cry as well. He jumps to his feet, his emotions changing faster than a girl on her period to anger. "I WILL KILL THE LITTLE BITCH! I HATE HER SHE CANT DO THIS TO YOU WERE SHOWIN THIS TO JEREMY AND JASON I DOMT CARE WHAT YOU SAY." he starts to cry again. "Allie I can believe she did this for so long and you never told me. I'm so sorry I wasn't there. I love you so much." he says. "I love you to." I say crying more. I pull him into a hug and we stand there for centuries, well sort of. There's a knock on the door, but the person opens it before we say anything. "Oh Graham boo there you are! I was just looking for you." Ariana says smirking at me. "Shut up." Graham says. "What? Pookie!" Ari says. "I said shut up! I know what you did to Allie and were telling the director! Say goodbye to your part and the relationship we never had and never will have. you disgust me." ariana looks at me with disbelief. She charges at allie tackling her. "What did you do! Little snitch! Ugh I hate you." she screams at me. Graham pulls her off. "Leave Ariana!" He shouts. She leaves fuming and I hug Graham again. "Does this mean we're made up." Graham asks. "Of course. I love you so much and I'm so sorry I didn't tell you." I say before kissing him.

What will happen when Jeremy and Jason find out what Ariana did? And even though Graham and allie made up, will something else happen? The drama seems to never end. Find out what happens in the next chapter




Disclaimer: I don't own 13! Or it's characters

A/N: I'm sorry it's short

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