Chapter 5- Allie and Graham- Part 2?

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(This chapters kinda short sorry but it's a cliffhanger)

"Where do you wanna go?" Graham asks. "Umm we could go to the Green Cafe?" I say. (that is an awesome place in New York their pasta is life) "Sounds awesome!" he says. We walk 2 blocks and are greeted with the aroma of warm pizza. We step up to order. "Hi I'll have a Cesar salad and a bottle of water with an apple." I say. Graham looks at me. "I'll have the same." he says. The cashier smiles. "That'll be 14.50" she says. Graham and I both dig into our pockets. "Allie!" "What? I want to Pay." I say. He gives me a look. "No." "Yes." "No." "Yes!" "No!" "Fine!" I say finally giving in. He does a fist pump and hands the cashier the money we stand in the corner and start to talk. "Jim I just served the cutest little couple. They were fighting over who should pay." we hear our cashier say. She failed at trying to whisper. I laugh and look at Graham. "She thinks we're a couple." I say. "I don't mind." he says looking at the ground as if his converse were the most interesting thing in the world. "I-" "2 Caesar salads." they call from the counter. "Have to get our food." I say walking away. That was awkward. We go to the next level where the tables are. We start to eat in silence, because of the awkwardness. "Allie we need to talk about something." Graham says breaking the silence. My heart was pounding in my ears. This was it. "Its about what I overheard Ariana saying." my breath hitches. He continues, "Something about staying away from me? What's that about." I take a deep breath. "She said that if I don't stay away from you, She'll hurt me, the show, and worst of all," I pause "She'll hurt you." I say gulping. He looks up at me. "She won't lay a finger on you or I will step in." He says. "Graham..." "I'm serious. She's threatening you! she made you think I was dating her? Yeah right. I can't like anyone that hurts you." he says. "Read this." I say pulling out my phone. He reads the texts. he slams his hands on the table. "That's it!" he says causing several costumers to turn their heads. "Graham why don't we take this outside." I say quietly. We abruptly walk to the sidewalk. "She can't get away with this she! I will put a stop to this!" he yells. "Graham stop its okay. I'm okay." I say my voice fading on the last part. "No it's not okay! I can't stand to see someone do this to you! I can't-" his voice cracks and he starts to tear up. "Graham." I state softly. I open my arms and he willingly goes into them. He strokes my hair while he sniffles. We pull apart. "Please promise me you will let me know if something happens." he says. "I promise." I say. He pulls me in for another hug, except it's not a hug. Its a kiss.


"I warned you! You don't want to listen? Then we're doing things my way. You get your first task in 48 hours. Kisses. Bitch. -Ari"




Disclaimer: I don't own 13! Or it's characters

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