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Previously on T.D.I.A.M
"So meliodas, I have a proposition and I need to know are you in or out?" The man asked, somewhat shadily.

"Well I guess it just depends on your request." Meliodas answered as calmly as ever.

The man paused for a while then smiled:



"I want you to marry my beautiful daughter,Jenni."
Third POV

Elizabeth flinched, nearly choking on her wine she was about to take a sip of.

It had started to make sense, from the "seductive" poses to the invite over.

Elizabeth turned to meliodas who had a serious face on as jenni got up and walked towards meliodas elizabeth could only watch, not trying to embarrass herself or meliodas.

Jenni was too close to meliodas at this point wrapping her arms around him smiling happily.

"Like um excuse me! That's my job!"Elizabeth shouted in her head.

And what was meliodas doing in this matter, nothing, absolutely nothing.

And just then jenni faced meliodas and was close to kiss him, closer.. and closer and-

" ok that's it!  get your crusty self away from him!" Elizabeth shouted, as she slammed her wine glass into the table.

" young lady, mind your tone do you know who you are talking to?!" The  man shouted

" No, and I most certainly don't not give a flying fuck about you or that the bitch next to me!" Elizabeth yelled.

She then turned to the girl and did the unthinkable.

She back handed her.

It wasn't  hard enough to leave a mark but it sure stung.

" oww, why you..!" Jenni whined before she charged back at Elizabeth.

But she ended up breaking her heel, tripping in the process.

Giving Elizabeth a chance to hold on to her neck.

" now listen to me and listen good you little bitch, you are going to stay away from meliodas, you are not even gonna think about about him, and if I hear his name being muttered from your lips in anyway besides business, you and me will have some problems, capićhe?" Elizabeth said angrily.

Out of fear jenni could only muster a " yes"

Elizabeth then let go, as the man started shouting.

" you come to my home, destroy an expensive glass and hurt my daughter, I should call someone to come kill you!" The man growled with fury.

Elizabeth turned to him rolled her neck and simply said:

"Y'know, In case you haven't noticed I'm with meliodas and not to mention, bartra, of the liones clan is my father, so really I could have you killed too,  so that means I don't care about you and that threat of yours is empty and meaningless, so really It's like I said before, I. Don't. Give.A. Fuck."

She got the whole room silent.

" well you've got your answer, I won't be marrying jenni anytime soon, so I'll catch you at the next meeting." Meliodas shrugged as he and Elizabeth walked away from the scene.

Once outside they could see their car parked, they had to get going.

Walking towards it meliodas only pointed something out.

" your really put on a show, Besides who knew you could be so jealous." Melidoas laughed

Elizabeth turned and responded with.

" oh I'm not jealous, I'm territorial, only keeping what's mine to myself and only myself."

She then smirked as she headed into the car.

They drove off, enjoying each other's company, forgetting about the scene that had happened a while ago.








The Demon In A Mafia Book I : The ParentsWhere stories live. Discover now