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1. Elizabeth is already in the nine months stage and it's only a matter of time til' she gives birth.
2. Meliodas ended up giving up the search 3 months after it started, after losing all hope he would ever.
3. Liz is getting somewhat close to meliodas (sadly)
4. Diane and king finally have a boy, named Harley and another one on the way.
Third POV now~

With meliodas~

He felt and look dead on the inside and out.

There was nothing but a usual blank stare, nothing seemed to interest him, not anyone could cheer him up until Elizabeth was back.

Now you may be wondering " meliodas, get off your high horse and go and find the girlie and your kid."

But he can't.

Why? Well that's because they have no clue where she is she might not be in New York heck she could be all the way in South Africa and they wouldn't know.

And they couldn't waste all that time, money and energy on someone they can't pinpoint.

So the search was stopped.

So here meliodas was, slumped in his office chair looking bored as ever.

(Knock knock.)

And in came Diane with a folder.

" hey captain, here's the file for
T.Z , since your flight is later today I suggest that you get some rest." Diane spoke laying down the file on the desk.

Diane stared at meliodas for a little while before she left.

" oh Elizabeth, you should hurry before all hell breaks loose." Diane whispered to herself as she walked down the hall.

With Elizabeth~

Elizabeth had enjoyed her time in L.A.

But it was only a matter of time before he bun finally popped out of the oven.

" she was excited to see meliodas again.

Now that it was 1st of December  she could probably see him 2 weeks later.

But sometimes she would pause, cause she was worried that meliodas would have moved on from her.

After all nine months should be plenty of time to get over someone.

Right now Elizabeth was in the boar's hat, drinking a kiwi and blueberry smoothie.

Hawk had became one of her best friends, since he was pretty supportive through everything, and helped her when it came to fixing stuff.

" so Elizabeth its only a matter of time before you have a kid, and leave L.A so I thought I'd give you this." Hawk spoke, handing her a white bag with colorful polka dots.

The first item Elizabeth picked up was a box, inside being her name.

The second item was a small white teddy bear with a tag that said " cuddle me buddy."

And the third and final item was a farewell card that had hawk's signature and a picture of Elizabeth and hawks hen the went to see the Hollywood sign.

" thanks Hawk, these are nice gifts!" Elizabeth smiled.

" anything for a friend, be sure to come back." Hawk  nodded, as he then got up to give Elizabeth a hug.

Soon he went back to work as Elizabeth went home.

The next day~

It was 8:00 am as meliodas landed in L.A for another murder.

After arriving to he location he did the dirty deed, walking through the crowded streets to make it to his car.

He sighed, with ban driving and king in the passengers seat.

He needed coffee and some food.

While driving meliodas just stared out his window, looking at all the people rushing to work.

Well that's when he noticed a girl, in purple scrubs walking on the street.

She looked like Elizabeth.

Meliodas stared at her for a while, she didn't seem to notice him since she was staring directly downwards on her phone.

Another thing meliodas notice was this girl's size, stomach wise.

He was about to ask Ban to let him out, when some pink headed dude approached her in a friendly manner.

When she raised her head and smiled.

It was Elizabeth.

And it seemed that she wasted no time moving on from meliodas.

That's when he looked up, at the building.

"Boar's hat."

Odd name, meliodas thought as he wrote it down.

He then looked back to see the dude and Elizabeth heading into the shop.

And that was it, Ban had driven away.

With Elizabeth~

Elizabeth woke up, feeling cramps all over.

" ouchie.." Elizabeth groaned.

She then got up and went to the bathroom.

Doing her necessities, she got ready in her scrubs for another day on her job.

" I should leave soon... but you my friend you also need to leave soon." Elizabeth spoke, staring at her bulging belly.

She then exited her home and made her way to the the boar's hat which was only 9 minute walk from her.

She was waiting to see Hawk so she stood outside using her phone, as the feeling of someone watching her was strong.

But after she and Hawk went inside the feeling was gone.

" yeesh." Elizabeth shivered

" are you ok, you see I told you to wear a jacket." Hawk scolded.

Elizabeth laughed and rolled her eyes.

" sorry." She laughed.

" you hungry?" Hawk asked

" no, besides I better get going to work if I want to make it in time, bye Hawk." Elizabeth spoke, get up from her seat and out the front door.








The Demon In A Mafia Book I : The ParentsWhere stories live. Discover now