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Third POV
Elizabeth woke up at around 4:00 am to the soft sounds of a baby crying.

She got out of bed, rubbing the tired out of her eyes going to the other room.

This was going to be one of many sleepless nights.

But hey, it was worth it.
So she fed Cassie who had started crying then ace, just so that way she wouldn't have to come back for a second time.

She then changed their diapers and headed back to her room for some sleep.

It was then had she noticed meliodas sleeping peacefully, snore n' all.

She then got back into bed dozing off.

The next morning~

Elizabeth woke up, at  5:30 am, but not to a baby crying, to meliodas on the phone.

"Yeah, he shouldn't be gone by now so get the chopper and I'll meet you guys on the helipad." Meliodas spoke before ending the call.

He turned to see Elizabeth who was rubbing her eyes.

" good morning, how'd you sleep?" Meliodas asked, kissing her temple.

" good for the most part." Elizabeth replied starting to sit upwards.

"Well I have things to do, places to be so I'll see you this evening." Meliodas sighed.

Elizabeth kissed him on the cheek.

Meliodas then left to go take a shower, as Elizabeth went to go brush her teeth.

After getting ready the took one last kiss before meliodas left the house.

Elizabeth walked into the baby room, to give them a bath.

She took a dual baby bouncer so that once she was done with the first kid she could quickly get to the next one.

She then picked up small towels diapers and children's clothes, and the most important children. As she headed to meliodas and her's bathroom.

Starting off with Ace she sat facing the wall of the tub, sitting on the ledge with ace in her as she turned on warm water and began to clean him up with a small baby sponge.

There were a few grumbles and fuss but nevertheless he got cleaned.

Quickly drying him off Elizabeth put on some lotion on him hen placed on his diaper before dressing him up and placing him into the bouncer.

She then did the same with Cassie, except with a lot more fussing and a small bit of tears.

"Waah." Cassie cried as her little tears streamed down her pale cheeks.

"Shh it's ok baby..". Elizabeth whispered, slightly bouncing her leg to soothe Cassie.

And that seemed to do the trick, as she then rinsed Cassie off and did the same like she did with ace.

Drying off her hands she took the kids and left the bathroom and headed to the living room.

Setting them down onto the square ottoman.

She fed them both before burping them and placing them into their seats.

Bouncing it slightly trying to help hem fall asleep, and this was a success.

Picking them both up she placed them back into their cribs, for them to rest without a care in the world.

She then headed to the kitchen to find something to eat.

The Demon In A Mafia Book I : The ParentsWhere stories live. Discover now