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//tw:eating disorders, religion\\

when madam norman came back from her trip we all went back to our miserable lives.

"boys!" she yelled, "stop talking and pay attention!" we weren't even talking, and it was bible study so we were all on edge and paying attention.

madam norman was really big on enforcing homophobia. most of the things she said i wanted to, or had already had done the opposite, but some things were decent acts, it was just the way she worded them that made them wrong. i could usually see the positives in them instead of madam norman's view.

"proverbs, 25:16-17: have you found honey? eat only what you need, that you not have it in excess and vomit it." we all turned to the mentioned verse as she explained her intake of it, "don't eat too much! you will be fat and greedy and selfish!"

i furrowed my eyebrows in thought as i tried to see how the verse how it should've been seen. madam norman was kind of right. of course it isn't greedy to eat a lot of food, is it?


at dinner, madam norman was eying the boys as they grabbed large drumsticks of chicken. i hadn't taken a big piece, i wasn't really that hungry.

i nibbled on my small drumstick as josh raved on about this new song that just got released. i wasn't really listening though, i was still thinking about what madam norman said in bible study.

i was overthinking, it wasn't that bad! i was perfectly healthy and skinny and i didn't eat too much! yet...

i still felt bad  every time i looked in the mirror at my belly, or in the shower, or going swimming.

i set down my half eaten drumstick and had a drink of water.

"and than the bass drop! it's so cool you gotta listen to i- you're not even listening to me tyler," i turned to face him. he raised an eyebrow at me as i chuckled and looked down at the floor. "what's wrong tyjo?"

how could josh ever like you if you eat everything?! your gonna get fat and he'll have to take care of you! then, he'll get sick of you and you'll have to live all alone with no one and nothing because you'll be too fat to live and everyone in society will look down on you!

snap! snap! josh's fingers clicked in front of my face. "anybody in there?" he reached up and lightly knocked on the top of my head, "hello? tyler?"

"josh!" i swatted his hands away.

"you alright bud?"

"i'm fine," i said, "just thinking." i looked at my shoes before looking back up at him and smiling.


we had a new kid coming to school! everyone was so excited. apparently he was english or something but madam norman wouldn't say much about him.

the day of his arrival we were all super excited. some of us were gonna show him around, make him feel at home and make sure he knew that none of us liked madam norman at all.

at lunch when there was a knock at the door, we all waited patiently as madam norman had a conversation with a tall dark haired lady.

pete was trying to peak at the new kid by standing if the banister and looking down. "all i can see is a pair of black jeans, some vans and..." he squinted his eyes before looking back at us, "a pair of... pink socks?"

frank snorted and looked over at gerard, "at least he has the courage to wear them out." gerard's eyes widened.

"gerard has pink socks?" pete whisper screamed.

"shhhh!" gerard shooshed him. "frankiiie!" frank laughed and snorted a few times while the others tease gerard for a bit.

gerard ended up laughing by the end of it, and we hadn't even released that madam norman was coming inside until we heard her heels clicking.

"boys, is like you to meet dominic harrison." she fake smiled at us.

"it's dom." he said with an obvious accent and looked down at him shoes. he had brown hair that stuck up or covered his face and obviously had a tiny bit of eye makeup on, only just enough to be noticeable.

"sup dom, i'm dallon," he greeted him with a fist bump and a smile. he smiled back.

dom's accent was funny. a few of us hadn't ever heard or met an english person. he said his "th"s as "f"s. he came over from england actually, his mum thought a big change would be good for him.

we all introduced ourselves to dom and showed him to his dorm. he was sharing a dorm with dallon.

dom looked nervous when we bought him inn, but in half an hour he knew that we were decent people. well, most of us.

we told him about me armstrong, mr hoppus and lindsey, he really liked the sound of lindsey because he played and sang a bit.

most people liked dom. he was going to be okay.

quick a/n

the hype video is so good wtf!!!
i forgot dallon ryan and brendon were here oop-
how are you?
i feel i need to get more involved to get more readers.
i didn't think i would get one so i feel happy abt that.
share the story, send it to your friends!
i'm really proud of this fic and would appreciate it if you shared it.
okay that's enough of me,
have a drink of water and a snack!
stay alive ||-//

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