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"You're new here?" The red-haired guy asked him, he just nods as a response.

"So what's your room number?" he asked again.

"Room 212" he plainly replied.

"Woah same with me" the red-haired guy smiled at him and puts up his hand for high five but he looked away.

"ouch" the red haired guy said and laugh. He just shook his head. "I'm Park Jimin, I'm studying here since high school, that's why i kn------" Jimin stopped when he walked away. "woah" jimin just shook his head and search for his friends.

"Are you ready for your first day Ms. Freshman?" he asked.

"of course" she smiled at him and he suddenly pats her head.

"Then let's meet together at lunch, is it okay with you?" she shyly nodded and looked away.

"Then see you later Sooyoung" he kissed the top of her hair then he left. "see you Jungkook" she mumbled.

She's already in front of a door with the exact room number she's assigned to but before she can finally enter the room someone bumps to her back "ouch" she said.

she turned around to see who bumped to her but the guy just rolled his eyes and enter the room first without saying sorry, 'Woah' she said to herself and shook her head then she follows him inside.

There's only 2 available seats left in the last row, one is in the corner and the other one is next to that seat, The guy who bumped into her sat down on the corner seat but before she can finally sit down the guy puts his bag in the last available seat. "Excuse me?" she said.

The guy looked at her from head to toe then rolled his eyes. 'another annoying girl who wants to flirt with me' he said to himself. "mind to get your bag off this chair?" Sooyoung calmly said then smiled.

"No" he said and that makes Sooyoung pissed off with him but she tried to compose herself and said "This is the only available seat" the guy just chuckled and look at her "and so?".

Sooyoung cannot hold her composure anymore because she's now really pissed off with this guy. "Fine" she glared at him then she puts down his bag and sits down.

"What the?!" he said then he gets his bag and looked at the annoying girl who also looking at him with her left raised brow, then rolled her eyes before looking away.

"annoying" he whispered but sooyoung heard what he said. "arrogant" she whispered that the guy sitting next to him can clearly hear. She suddenly smiles like she won from a lottery game when she heard his "tss".

She stood up from her seat and went in front "Hello guys, I'm Park Sooyoung hope to be friends with you all" she said with a lively tone that caught the other students' attention. 'What the fuck is she doing?' the guy in the corner said to himself while shaking his head.

Sooyoung shakes her hands with everyone except the guy sitting down in the corner.

She cleared her throat that makes the guy looked at her and told her 'what' with furrowed brows. She's about to shake her hands with him but she refuse to do so, so she just rolled her eyes and sit down. The guy just shook his head and mumbled to himself 'Park's are really annoying'

"hey sooyoung!" the red-haired guy, Park Jimin waved his hands and approached her. "forget to ask you something"

"what is it?" she smiled. "your phone number" her eyes widened that makes him chuckled. "Joke, You're related to Jungkook right? saw you before with him so I assume you two are dating" he teasingly said.

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