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Sooyoung's :

Since our section won, the psychology department staff gave us a chance to celebrate, and it turns out to a sushi party led by our adviser.

I was sitting next to Seulgi and in front of the person I don't want to see right now, Kim Taehyung. Good thing Jimin exchanged his seat with me, or else I was there sitting next to Taehyung.

"Hey, are you okay?" Seulgi whispered.

"Of course, why did you ask?"

"Is there something going on between you and Taehyung?" My eyes widened.

I suddenly feel my cheeks heating up when she mentioned his name. Why am I so affected?
I immediately get sashimi and put it inside my mouth.

"Sooyoung, I'm asking you" Seulgi whispered then I shook my head as a response.


Taehyung's :

After the party, I never got a chance to talk to Sooyoung again. I don't even know where she is at this moment and it really bothers me. I know she's confused after what I did to her at the backstage but I'm ready to tell her everything now.

"Kim Taehyung!" A familiar voice called me, I turned around and——

"Sooyoung?" She smiled at me and sat beside me.

"I'm looking for you" I told her, I stared at her to read her reaction but she just rolled her eyes.

We're both staring at each other when we suddenly felt awkward and embarrased so we both look into opposite direction.


No one wants to speak, no one wants to start a conversation, the only thing we can hear right now was the sound of the wind.


"I'm sorry" I started.

She looked at me, confused. "for what?" she asked.

"For what I did at the backstage, I'm sorry for making you feel uncomfortable"

"Wait——Is this the real Kim Taehyung? why do you sound so nice?" I rolled my eyes making her smile.

"jokes on you" she said. "please continue I am listening" She added.

My ears started to heat up, man up Taehyung! you're supposed to tell her your feelings but why are you being so scared? You're just going to confess and whatever response she will make, you're still going to do everything to win her heart.

"Taehyung?" I shook my thoughts off. "I need to tell you something, so do you mind if I interrupt your apology message or whatever because I think I really need to tell you this or else I might regret for being a coward"

As much as I don't want to hear everything she will say about rejecting me I still put a smile on my face and said "Okay, go on"

She looked up to watch the night sky then she began to speak. "If someone's going to ask me what's my favorite part of the pageant, my answer is the part where you and I danced like we're on a different world, a world where only you and I exist. I don't care if you don't feel the same way but that part made my heart beat faster, it was romantic"

"Who told you I don't feel the———" she stopped me.

"It was romantic that I don't even want the song to stop, embarrassing but that's what I felt earlier. And I think I need to tell you this because I think I might be going crazy if I keep this with me" She smiled at me.

"I'm confused because of what you did at the backstage, but mind if ask you why did you do that?"

"I-I don't know?" I answered. Why are you stuttering Taehyung and why the fuck you answered that! you're supposed to confess coward!

"Then please don't do that again, and that's all I need to get back to the dorm, goodnight Tae——"She about to stood up from her seat when I stopped her.

"I can't promise you that" She looked at me with her furrowed brows.

"Kim Taehyung I have no time for——-"

"I can't promise you that because I like you" her eyes widened.

"I like you Park Sooyoung"


Hey guys sorry for not updating for how many months, It's just that I've been busy for school's requirements and activities plus being irregular student was not really easy but yeah I survived that semester. I'm 2nd year college and an irregular student.

Anyways who's watching handsome tigers? you know what, I support that show because of Sooyoung and Eunwoo but after watching the 1st episode I start stanning Moon Su inn 🙈❤️

If you're on twitter, Joyfuls (Joy stans) who watch Handsome Tigers start to stan the Ace Moon Su inn hahaha anyways I really like him and like him even more whe he followed Joy's IG and liked her posts. I even started to make a socmed au on twitter with joy and him being the main characters.

I know this is only a short update so sorry for that but don't worry I will update more next time! Thank you for supporting my stories! Stream Psycho!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2020 ⏰

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