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Sooyoung's :


The event's about to start but the said perfect proxy for Seokjin which is Jimin, is nowhere to be found too. Our adviser kept on shouting and asking on Seulgi to find Jimin but she almost checked all the corners of the site but still no sign of him.

Jimin volunteered himself to be my partner for the event, he already wore Seokjin's suit that's longer than his height and he also get his hair done. We both went here at the backstage together but he excused himself because he forgot to wear his lucky charm, 30 minutes have already passed and yes still no Jimin.

I also told him we're going to have an intermission number and a prize for the best intermission, he just nod his head and said 'Okay show me the steps later' then he left. This is really frustrating!

"Candidates please fall in line based on your numbers, we will start in 3 minutes" The event coordinator shouted.

I turned my head to our adviser who is closing her eyes in frustration, she also wanted our section to win but after knowing what happened to Seokjin and now Jimin, our chances are honestly getting lower and lower ---- and our section might get disqualified if I appeared partnerless.

"What if our section will-----"

"No Sooyoung! Get inside, I will find Jimin okay? we will win this" She tapped my shoulders and left.

To be honest at this moment I already knew what will happen, my adviser will never find Jimin, I will stand at the stage with no partner and our section will get disqualified----The 3 minute song has stopped and the other candidates are starting to walk to the stage, and I think my heart stops from beating.

Our section was assigned to be the last, and the order is going to be, the 1st girl candidate followed by her partner and so on. Should I continue or just quit instead?

"and now from Psych 1-A!" I got startled when the emcee called our section and sooyoung there's no turning back. Let's do this!

'Heaven and Earth please make the impossible possible don't let our section get disqualified and please gave jimin a power to teleport and appeared on stage on time. Amen!

I flashed my sweetest smile when the curtain opens, I started to walk gracefully on the stage, showing how poised I am. I can't clearly see the audiences and the judges because of the lights but I can clearly hear the cheers.

I went to the 2 corners of the stage to stopped and made a pose. I try to find where my classmates are and to see the faces of the judges for this event but the lights were really bright.

The loud cheers and hearing your name shouted by the crowd is really overwhelming. My mom wanted me to become a Miss Korea someday, she said I got the height, the aura and the wit can be learned.

If my mom was here, she will definitely be the happiest person seeing her daughter on the stage walking like her favorite Miss Korea candidate. I tried to join pageants before but I don't understand why my mom stopped me and she even got mad at me that time. Weird.

I shook my thoughts off when I spot the center and where I will wait for my partner. I turned my head to the audiences just what the director told us, and my eyes automatically glued at the guy raising his hand with an 'okay' sign. The lights were really bright and blocking me from seeing his face------


I got startled when I hear a loud screams that probably from girls, Thanks God we will not get disqualified and that guy from the crowd was not Jimin. As much as I wanted to turn around and watch what Jimin is doing that girls are like going to explode for screaming, I can't.

He's driving the girls crazy and for sure Seulgi too. The scream getting louder and what I want to do as of this moment is to cover my ears to save my eardrums, but audience impact was part of criteria so I'm not allowed to complain.

I grabbed the microphone when he stopped from walking, I can't see Jimin on my peripheral vision and he was supposed to stand beside me but yeah whatever---

"PARK SOOYOUNG FROM PSYCH 1A!" I shouted with all confidence. The crowds are giving us loud chants, I wonder how many students did Jimin bribe for this event.


Taehyung's :

I rubbed the back of my neck as I heard another loud screams from the crowd when I introduced my myself. Sooyoung was looking at me, shocked. I kept on flashing my boxy smile as what Jimin told me to do, and man this is really getting awkward! I've been smiling and standing for I don't fucking know how many fucking minutes.

I held Sooyoung's wrist making her startled. When she finally got what I am trying to do, she glanced at the crowd once again and waved her hand before exiting the stage.

"What was that?"

"What was that??" She rolled her eyes and smack my arm.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I don't really know if you're blind or you're just stupid" She glared at me.

"Jimin was supposed to be my partner not you----"

"He planned everything Sooyoung, it's all his fault"

Sooyoung looked at me with her furrowed brows like she's not convinced with what I said but I am really saying the truth. It was really Jimin's fault, he planned everything from giving Seokjin a food with laxative---to made himself as the proxy---to disappear when the event was about to start----then bringing me into this fucking situation.

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