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Taehyung's :

"So what do you want to talk about?" He asked then he sat down facing me.

"Do you still remember the things you told me before----how will you know if you like someone----something like that"

"Wait are we now friends?" He asked and he received another death glare from me.

"I was just asking stupid, and I don't want to be friends with you"

"Okay so bye----" He's about to stand up but I pulled him.

"Deal" He ruffled my hair and said "Good"

I shook my head. "What happened?" he asked.

"Remember the activity we did a while ago? where we need to draw our partners----so the first two levels were so easy for me and I don't really understand why the other pairs having hard time with that activity, I mean that was so easy. Then when I finished drawing her at the second level I gave my paper to the staff but she was still not yet done so she shouted at me and said 'Don't move' then she leaned closer to me and she cupped my face----"

"Oh my ghad don't tell me----"

"Stop being annoying please? let me finish first"

"So she cupped my face then the strangest thing happened, I felt so lost and she was the only thing I see then suddenly my stomach started to growl, and my nerves were fucking shaking. I wanted to stare at her lips more and I don't know why the fuck her lips was so eye catching like wtf, that was really weird"

"like you wanted to kiss her?"

"yes----I mean no! of course not! never!"

"why so in-denial Kim Taehyung?" I just rolled my eyes at him.

"So can you explain why am I suddenly feeling those weird or strange things whenever I'm with her, and why the fuck I easily got annoyed with the guys she's closed to and her annoying giggles sounded like a lullabies in my ears. What's happening to me?" He leaned closer to me and tapped my shoulders.

"Congratulations you're in love"

"I don't like her stupid"

"because you already love her"

I cringed. "Never"

"So what do you think about that Kim Seokjin?"

"He's annoying and he's not even good looking, and I don't get why Sooyoung blushed when he approached her"

"What about Jeon Jungkook?"

"I don't care about him, he was just her friend. JUST FRIEND"

"You're really in love Kim Taehyung" before I can argue with him he stood up and pull me.

I asked him why I felt those weird things then he answered I'm in love with that annoying Park Sooyoung, eww. I mean I never imagine myself falling in love with the most annoying person and Sooyoung? well she's beautiful and--- no she's annoying.

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