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6 days left to go for Jungkook's trip be over and 6 days before the Psych's Camp. 

"Sooyoung" She seemed space out since the first subject up until now. They are in their 3rd period the subject after their lunch.

Taehyung just scratched his nape, he's been calling Sooyoung few times and he didn't get any response.
'What the fuck is she thinking and she totally looked weird, she's not even talking, and she's getting creepier' Taehyung said to himself.

They are forced to attend their 3rd subject even though their professor was absent, and they are not allowed to go outside until their 3rd period is over. The atmosphere in their class makes Taehyung bored and Sooyoung being so quiet makes him bored even more. He wants to talk to her to ease his boredom but Sooyoung looked like she didn't want to interact with anyone, Taehyung can't do anything because he hates making conversation with everyone excluding his partner, Sooyoung. He only want to interact with Sooyoung, and She's the only annoying person Taehyung forbid to annoy him.

"Sooyoung" He called her again but the girl still don't care.

'Is she really upset because of that camping?'

'Or is it because of that Jeon?'

His thoughts makes him crumpled the paper then he threw it directly on Sooyoung.

"What the?!" Taehyung smiled when Sooyoung finally noticed him.

Sooyoung looked at the guy beside him and glare at him, but the guy just flashing his boxy smile.

"What was that for?" She asked. Taehyung smiled more.

"You're annoying me" he said. Sooyoung eyes widened as she didn't get what Taehyung meant by that.

"How come I annoy you when I didn't even talk to you----"

"That's my point" Sooyoung show her furrowed brows and it makes Taehyung chuckled.

"You're weird" She rolled her eyes and look away. 

'Is she having her period? why is she acting so cold. Ugh! Girls are really crazy! Sooyoung is crazy' He said to his mind.

"Sooyoung-ah" Taehyung smiled as he realized how corny is he now. Sooyoung just crossed her arms.


He just rolled her eyes because he clearly feel that Sooyoung really don't want to talk him, and it's bothering him, her behavior is bothering him.

Taehyung wrote something on the scratch paper then he crumpled it. He glanced at her first before throwing the paper in her face.

'What the fuck' she cussed in her mind, She's not in the mood to talk to anyone here including the weird Kim Taehyung beside him. Sooyoung didn't move even if it hit her face.

Taehyung once again wrote something on his paper and crumpled it then throw again on Sooyoung, but still the girl seem not bothered. 'How the fuck she didn't get annoyed?' he asked himself.

Sooyoung just rolled her eyes. 'He's crazy'

He wrote again and crumpled it, when Sooyoung's about to lower her head, Taehyung threw the paper and it hit directly to her nose. He saw how startled Sooyoung was and it makes him laugh so hard and his priceless laugh caught the class' attention.

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