Dio's Arrival

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My name is Johanna Joestar my twin brother is Jonathan Joestar I call him Jojo for short. We lost our mother when we were little, Father had trouble taking care of the both of us. Me and Jonathan always stay together and we play together. Sometimes I go play with my friend Erina Pendleton we have so much fun with her dolls. We get home Jonathan and I eat with father but we don't have table manners so Father does get a little furious when we mess up the table. Today is the day that a boy named Dio moves in with us. I decided to play with Erina today since I finished my violin, ballet and piano lessons.
"What are we gonna do today?"
"I brought some snacks while we play."
We start playing but then some boys noticed us.
"We looky what we have here! The Pendleton and Joestar brats!"
"Leave us alone!"
The boys take our dolls and toss them around.
"Stop it! I'm gonna tell my Father!"
The boy pushes Erina to the ground and pulls my hair and they start laughing.
"Look at them! They're gonna start crying!"
"Leave them alone!"
I hear footsteps in the distance!
Jonathan hits one of the boys causing him to drop the me. "Leave my little sister alone!"
"Look it's the other Joestar brat!"
They start beating him to a pulp.
"Stop it leave my brother alone!"
They stop and they run away.
"Jojo are you ok?!?"
"Forget about me what about you and your friend?" "We're fine."
He slowly gets up and brushes the dirt off his clothing.
"A true gentleman helps others in need."
He pats my head
"especially his little sister."
"Johanna is this your brother?"
"Ahh yes Erina meet my older brother Jonathan."
"Nice to meet you Erina."
"Nice to meet you two."
Danny tackles me to the ground.
Jojo pulls him off.
"Dio is about to arrive I came to get you."
"Oh no I forgot lets go. Bye Erina see you later!"
"Bye Johanna!"
Jojo and I start running to the mansion. As we arrive a carriage stops us n front off the door and a boy with blonde hair steps out of the carriage.
"Hello you must be Dio I'm Jonathan and this is my little sister Johanna."
I blush at the sight of his flowing blond hair.
"Johanna are you alright? Are you getting a fever?" Danny runs to Dio and Dio hits Danny.
"What was that for?!?"
I run to Danny to see if he's ok. Jojo and Dio were about to fight but father stopped them.
"Stop this at once. That boy is your brother now!"
Jojo and Dio let go of each other and Danny runs to hide from Dio. We walk inside and Father escorts Dio to his room and Dio secretly hits Jojo. Dio lifts my chin to look at him and he smiles.
"You may be pretty but you're still a Joestar. Don't get in my way."
He shoves me away and walks up the stairs.
"Jojo I'm worried."
"Same here lets keep our distance. I need to get ready for the boxing match."
"Shoot I forgot! Let's get you ready!"
We hurry to get our stuff and I change into pants and shirt to hide that I'm a girl. We sneak out and make it to the ring.
"Hey Jojo! Johanno! Just in time!"
I help him put his gloves on. I whisper to Jojo.
"Be careful brother."
"Don't worry I'll be fine I've done this plenty of times before."
He walks into the ring and the announcer starts talking. "Here we have Jonathan Joestar and the man he's fight today is Dio Brando!"
Dio! He's here oh no! Dio and Jonathan start the match and I watch and Jonathan gets knocked out by Dio. "Jojo!"
Every looks at me as I run to him and my hat falls of to show my hair.
"Johanno is a girl!"
I hold Jonathan in my arms as they talk shit and Dio looks at me with a sinister glint in his eyes.
"Jonathan! Get up please!"
He slowly gets up and the boys throw rocks at me.
"Get her!"
Jonathan and I run as fast as we could to a nearby river. "Johanna why did you do that?!?"
I hug him and I start crying.
"I'm sorry I got worried. My feelings came over me."
"It's fine do you have my bag?"
"Yes here."
He hides to change and Danny found us. We sit down and some boys came by.
"Hey guys its me Jonathan!"
They ignore him and. run away.
"What?!? Why did they leave?!?"
We hear a twig snap and we see Erina hanging a basket and then see her run.
"Hey Erina! Thank you!"
She waves then continues to run.
"Hey brother you like her don't you?"
He blushes.
"What?!? I?!?"
I start laughing as we walk back home with the grape basket. Father hit Jonathan and my hand because we missed one question on our test.
"Look Dio got all of them correct you guys should act like Dio!"
We also accidentally spilled out wine and Father yelled at us.
"Enough! You call our selves Joestars yet you have no matters at all! Take their food and escort them to their rooms!"
We look to see the sinister glint in Dio's eyes again.
"Hey Jojo. I think father likes Dio more than us."
"Maybe he does he's been awfully mean but he's our father I've loves us equally."
~next day~
We go to Erina's house and we went to a carnival and we had fun all day I've never seen Jonathan and Erina so happy. After that day he fell in love and he plans on having fun tomorrow I agreed. Dio has been following us so we try to be careful. As I get ready for bed I hear a knock on the door.
"Who is it?"
I slightly open the door.
He swings the door open and closes the door as fast behind him.
"Dio what are you-"
He covers my mouth and pulls me closer to him.
"Shhh. Don't yell. I know somethings making Jojo happy. Tell me what it is."
He uncovers my mouth but still has me close.
"I'll never tell."
He forcefully grabs my cheeks.
"Tell me now."
I try to push him away.
He forces his lips on mine. I try to push away it he's too strong. I start to slow give in but I step on his foot.
He slaps me.
"You will regret that!"
He walks out on Jonathan and Father run in.
"Johanna! are you ok?!?"
I hug Father crying and Jonathan holds my hand. Dio runs in as if nothing happened to me.
"Sister are you ok?!?"
I hide my face in Father's chest.
"Jonathan here take care for your sister."
Father and Dio walk out of the room.
"Johanna are you ok?!?"
"D-D-Di-I-I-oo he-he..."
he hugs me.
"Shhh I get it I'll stay here with you for the night."
"T-Than-nk Y-Yo-u...."
Jonathan lays down in the couch I have in my room. "Goodnight Johanna. Tomorrow we have a big day." "Goodnight Jojo."
We wave goodbye to father as we walk to the river in our bathing suits. We set up a little picnic as we wait for Erina.
"Hey Jonathan Danny's getting into the food!"
We try to pull Danny away from the food before he could eat it all but we're too late.
"Hey guys!"
"Brought a basket of food."
"Good because Danny ate all the food. Right Jonathan?" Jonathan looks at the sky blushing.
"Yes excellent."
Erina giggles at Jonathan's blushing face.
"Let's have some fun!"
We run to the river and we start splashing water on each other. After a few hours Jojo carves his name and Erina's and a nearby tree.
"Jojo you dirty boy!"
They blush they look away from each other. Jojo Erina I go home to change and we go to town to look around. Jojo and Erina walk home but I stay behind a little to buy a music box. After I bought it I ran to catch up with Jojo and Erina but as soon as I caught up Dio was forcefully kissing Erina. I didn't feel bad I felt jealous and sad. Why do I feel this way? I want to help her but jealousy takes over my feelings but I'm her friend and I need to help her!
Erina falls to the ground as Dio pulls away from the kiss. I run to help Erina and she was washing her mouth with mud.
"Erina what are you doing?!?"
She pushes me away and runs.
"Dio what have you done?!?"
Dio forcefully holds me close to him.
"Oh don't be jealous. You're still my number one girl."
I push him away.
"You disgust me Dio!"
He forces another kiss on my lips and I rip his shirt. The boys starts cheering to Dio saying that he's amazing and a god. He slips on the mud and I was able to run home and hide in Jonathan's room.
"I have to tell you something! I saw Dio kissing Erina!" "What?!? That's impossible!"
"I saw it! He forced a kiss on her!"
Jonathan storms into the entrance where Dio was.
"Dio! Johanna told me what you did to Erina! You'll pay for this!"
Jonathan tries to punch Dio but he misses and gets pinned to the ground.
I run and block the next hit.
"Out of my way Johanna!"
"No leave Jojo alone!"
Jojo gets up and we starting fighting Dio looks surprised and angry as Jojo and I land a big punch on his face. He falls to the ground and starts sobbing.
"Jojo is he-"
"I will not be beaten by a two idiots! Where the hell did you learn to fight?!?"
"Jojo taught me well."
He pulls out a knife and charges at us.
"Dio Jonathan Johanna! What's going on?!?"
"Father!" "Enough of this! Go to your rooms now!"

Johanna Joestar The Twin Sister of Jonathan JoestarWhere stories live. Discover now