Ultimate Warriors from Ancient Times

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A car arrives and we have to squeeze in as they talk about a girl in the car we're surviving in the back trying not to get squished. Caesar asked if Jospeh had a girlfriend and said he's catch.
"Jojo calm down...You'll find an awesome technique like the way I use my weapons."
"Thanks auntie."
As we get out and walk down the stairs I sense the same presence as the mask. I pull out my hammer and hold it tight.
"No need to worry Madama Joestar there's nothing to fear it's safe."
"Pardon me but I know a lot more of this than you."
"Oh really? How does a 20 year old girl know about this stuff?"
I took him a while to remember I called Jonathan my brother.
"You're 70 years old?!?"
"You finally get it now. It's because of Hamon."
"Bet he didn't know Auntie Johanna."
I high five Jospeh as we laugh at Caesar.
"If you don't mind me asking. Where are all the guards?"
"She's right there should be guards all over the place."
I had Jospeh my sword as i full my hammer with Hamon.
I move away from the deflated body's.
"Oh my god! They're all dead!"
Caesars friend runs away in fear.
"No stop whoever did this could still be here!" I take my sword from Joseph and I make it into a whip and I grab Caesars friend and pull him back to me.
I put Hamon in his head so he can sleep.
Three men stand in front of us as Caesar helps his friend leave the place.
"A sword turned into a whip?!? What are you weapons?!?"
"Focus Jojo!"
The men talk as we stand still to see if they attack us. They talk about a red stone and sound alike the one that I have hidden. Caesar comes back and joins us.
"They almost killed him! They will pay!"
Caesar forms a bubble and throws it at them as I hit the same one with my sword whip!
"Hamon Bubble Laucher!"
"Hamon Sublime Sword!"
It hits the one called Wamuu and his shocked face looked at his broken arm
"Could this be?!? Is this what I think it is?!?"
"Caesar don't underestimate them!"
Cuts suddenly appear on his face and my legs.
They laugh and leave them Jospeh makes it worse.
"They weren't the only Hamon users."
"Jojo don't!"
My Auntie Johanna has her hammer and sword and Caesar has his bubbles well I have my Hamon Clacker Volley."
He gonna get us killed it's just two steel balls hanging by a thread!
Joseph starts picking a fight with Wamuu as I heal. Caesar's face. Joseph gets his butt kicked by Wamuu but every time he looked away Jospeh moved closer to a mine cart and manages to get Wamuu into the cart and lead him away from us.
"We have to follow him!"
We run to find Joseph on the ground trying to breath.
"Jojo!" I run to him and I hold him in my arms and heal his wounds.
"Thank god you're alright. Rest Jojo we have a lot ahead of us."
He closes his eyes and rests as we take him back to the hotel.
"Why do you help him Johanna?"
"Caesar ever since his grandfather and father died due to the mask I swore to protect my brothers bloodline even at the cost of my bloodline. Even my son Giorno takes care of him when I can't."
He places his hands on my shoulders as I hold Joseph's hands waiting for with to wake up.
"Johanna you are an interesting woman."
"Get some sleep Caesar."
~in the morning~
I sip my morning tea as Caesar tries to help Joseph with his Hamon. Speedwagon went back to New York while I stay here with Joseph.
We make our way to Venice and as we look for this Hamon master they ask questions my horns.
"My horns are from a powerful hamon move called "Hamon Berserk Overdrive." They come out when I'm mad also but my headband covers them but it hurts if you try to pull them off."
We stop at a person on a boat and Caesar asked about Air Supplena Island but that's the same place where she lives. The person points at Joseph and stands on an oar and uses Hamon to stay in the water. They hit the oar and it hits Joseph and he uses Hamon to stand on the water. They take off their mask and its her! Lisa looks at me smiles and looks back to Jospeh.
"Jojo stop!"
Lisa puts a mask over Joseph's mouth
"Joseph Joestar form now on you will be wearing that breathing correctional mask until I say other wise!"
I help Joseph out of the water as Caesar says hi to Lisa after we get him out we get to Air Supplena islands.
"I hope you're ready for the Hell Climb Pillar!"
She throws them in and we wait at the top.
"Why isn't my Auntie in here?!?"
"She's a know Hamon Master among the Monks! Even I can't beat her! The Pillar only accepts Hamon anything else will lead to your death!"
Lisa has a servant named Suzie Q set up a table with my favorite tea blend.
"How've you been Lisa?"
"Good Auntie Johanna."
"You can call me Johanna Lisa."
"I know but it feels weird. It should take them a day or two to get out."
"I hope so Jojos training has not progressed at all."
After a two days Joseph and Caesar get out and they continue with their Hamon training. I occasionally trained them with their weapons and there breathing. Caesar stops by my room for more Hamon training and breathing skills and I tell him the stories of Jonathan and Baron Zeppeil then the day for their final exams came and Lisa explained what the Red Stone of Aja was and why it's important I have her the honor of guarding it.
We sent them to their spots as Lisa and I relax in the temple. Suzie Q prepares our clothing as Lisa and I are in the baths.
"Finally some peace and quite. I can relaxing with boys crowding me."
"You need this more than I do Johanna. I wonder if the boys passed their exams."
"I'm sure they did you can count on it."
"I'm just worried that's all. Suzie Q send Caesar and Jojo our my room when they finish."
"Yes of course ma'am. Goodbye Madama Joestar."
"Bye Suzie Q."
I run soap on my shoulder and I see my star birth mark and I smile as I remember Jonathan the a strange feeling come to me.
"Lisa I have a bad feeling and I feel like we're being watched."
Suzie Q shows up and and helps Lisa.
"Same here Johanna. Suzie Q has Jojo or Caesar arrived yet?"
She's standing there silent.
"Suzie Q?"
She turns around and she's covered in slime!
"Are you alright Suzie Q? What's going on? What did you do what the Red Stone?"
The body starts to deform and I jump out of the bath to help Lisa.
"That's not Suzie Q! Something had taken over her body!" Lisa jumps out of the bath and we grab towels to cover ourselves. Jospeh burst through the door with Caesar behind him. Caesar looks Lisa then me with a blushing face then snaps back to reality. Jojo and Caesar kill the pillar man known as Esidisi. After that Lisa and I change and I take care of the boys as Lisa helps Suzie Q. We find our that they sent it to Swizterland and now we have to go and I've got a bad feeling about this.

Johanna Joestar The Twin Sister of Jonathan JoestarWhere stories live. Discover now