A Letter From The Past Pt 2

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I woke up to Dio nuzzling his face and my cheek. "Morning Dio."
"Morning Johanna."
"Today's the day."
"...Yea it is..."
Dio sits up with a worried look.
"What's wrong?"
"...Jojo...I'm worried about him..."
"Listen he's fine he's not gonna find anything. I'm innocent."
I sit up and I rest my head on his shoulder.
"You're not lying to me?"
Dio hugs me with a warm embrace.
"I wouldn't lie to my wife."
"I promise."
I heard guilt in his voice like he lied but he couldn't hide it.
"Let's go get ready. I'm wait for you with father downstairs."
"Ok I love you."
Dio kisses my forehead changes into his tuxedo and leaves.
"Oh Jojo I wish you were here."
(Start the song) I change into my dress and I head downstairs.
"You look marvelous!"

Father sits down on a wheelchair holding flowers

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Father sits down on a wheelchair holding flowers.
"Thank you Father."
"I wish Jojo could see this."
"When will he be coming back?"
"A week from now."
I look down at the floor sad.
"Oh Johanna don't cry. Today's a day where you should be happy. We'll take pictures so we can show Jojo when he gets back. Come now we don't wanna keep Dio waiting."
The servants help father roll his chair to the isle. I see Dio waiting at the end with the biggest smile on his face. I slightly wave to him and he chuckles. Father manages to stand up and slowly walk down the isle with me. We reach the end and he gives me to Dio and sits back down. As the preacher talks I get lost in Dio's eyes Dio brings me closer to him.
"Do you Dio Brando take Johanna Joestar to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do."
"And do you Johanna Joestar take Dio Brando to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do."
"Then you may kiss-"
Dio dips me and kisses me before the preacher finishes his sentence. Everyone claps and Dio carries me bridal style to the house. We stop in the living room and tables were set up for the guests. We sit and Father looks nervous.
"Father are you ok?"
"Yes I just have something planned for you two."
Father stands up and makes his way to a violin.
"Dio please dance with my daughter."
Dio takes my hand and we stand in the middle of the room. Father starts playing the violin. Fathers playing echoed through the house. Dio dances a slow dance with me. It was a like fairytale coming to life. My knight in shining armor carries me away from reality and shows me the wonderful world of love. Every step of the way Dio was the only one for me. I love him even if he's evil or not. I rest my head of his chest and he rest his head on top of mine. Father's playing was heavenly it made the heavens come down to earth and made me the happiest person alive. (Finish the song here if you want.) Father grabs a glass of wine and raises it in the air.
"To Dio and Johanna."
After everyone's leaves I help father to his bed and wish him a lovely goodnights sleep. I go my room and Dio's holding a letter.
"Dio what's that?"
He crumbles it and throws it away.
"Nothing important."
"Okay I guess."
Dio hugs me and kisses my forehead.
"Let's go to bed."
I change into my sleeping dress and I fall asleep in Dio's arms.

Johanna Joestar The Twin Sister of Jonathan JoestarWhere stories live. Discover now